我正在编写一个用于持续集成和测试的 python 脚本,它将被 bitten 调用。我们的单元测试使用 google 测试框架。每个软件组件都有一个运行配置和其他所需服务并运行 gtest 可执行文件的 bash 脚本。python 脚本遍历存储库以查找 bash 脚本,并使用 os.popen() 命令调用每个脚本。
Python 脚本 (UnitTest.py)
import os
import fnmatch
import sys
import subprocess
repository_location = '/home/actuv/workspace/eclipse/iccs/'
unit_test_script_name = 'RunUnitTests.sh'
def file_locator(repo, script_name):
# Function for determining all unit test scripts
test_location = []
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(repo):
for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, script_name):
return test_location
def run_tests(test_locations, script_name):
# Runs test scripts located at each test location
for tests in test_locations:
cmd = 'cd ' + tests + ';./' + script_name
print 'Running Unit Test at: ' + tests
################ MAIN ################
# Find Test Locations
script_locations = file_locator(repository_location, unit_test_script_name)
# Run tests located at each location
# End of tests
Bash 脚本
echo "Running unit tests..."
# update the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include paths to our shared libraries
# start the test server
# Run the tests
# wait to allow all processes to end before terminating the server
sleep 10s
当我从终端窗口手动运行 bash 脚本时,它运行良好。当我让 python 脚本调用 bash 脚本时,我在 bash 脚本的 TestSingleClient 和 TestMultiClientLA 行上遇到分段错误。