I have the following enum in my java android application:
static enum PaymentType
Scheme(0), Topup(1), Normal(2), Free(3), Promotion(4), Discount(5), Partial(6),
Refund(7), NoShow(8), Prepay(9), Customer(10), Return(11), Change(12), PettyCash(13),
StateTax(14), LocalTax(15), Voucher(16), Membership(17), Gratuity(18), Overpayment(19),
PrepayTime(20), HandlingFee(21);
private int value;
private PaymentType(int i) {
value = i;
public int getValue() {
return value;
I use this enum alot to find out the integer value of one of these string labels, for example int i = Lookups.PaymentType.Voucher.getValue();
How can I do this the other way around? I have an integer value from a database and I need to find which string that corresponds to.