下面是我的代码片段。我要做的是在页面加载时,在我的构造函数中创建一组用户可以访问的 accountID(8-33 这是有效的)。该集合将用于过滤后面方法中使用的查询。
我发现公共 pageReference runSearch() 可以访问“terrAccSet”,但公共静态 List getsearchAccounts 无权访问它。
如果我将其更改为公共静态 Set terrAccSet,我不会在任一 system.debugs 中获取数据 - 我该怎么办?
global with sharing class MyClass {
public static List<FRM_Metrics_gne__c> accountSearchGmap {get; set;}
public Set<Id> terrAccSet;
public List<String> terrIdList;
public MyClass() {
terrAccSet = new Set<Id>();
terrIdList = new List<String>();
Set<Id> grpIdSet = new Set<Id>();
Id uid = '00570000001R95e'; //member of TWO territories
//UserTerritory Utid = [SELECT TerritoryId FROM UserTerritory where UserId = :userInfo.getUserId()];
List<UserTerritory> Utid = [SELECT TerritoryId FROM UserTerritory where UserId =: uid ];
for(UserTerritory usrTerr: Utid){
List<Group> grp = [Select Id from Group where RelatedID IN :terrIdList];
for (Group eachgroupd : grp ){
List<AccountShare> accountidList = [SELECT AccountId,UserOrGroupId FROM AccountShare where UserOrGroupId in :grpIdset];
//all accounst that the user has access according to territory hiearchy
for(AccountShare eachas:accountidList ){
public PageReference runSearch() {
//Has Data
system.debug('**terrAccSet runSearch** '+terrAccSet);
public static List<Custom_Object__c> getsearchAccounts(String multiSearchString) {
//terrAccSet variable is missing
system.debug('**terrAccSet getSearchAccounts** '+terrAccSet);
return accountSearchGmap;