一种选择是在另一个查询中单独生成月份并将其加入您的数据表(请注意,我假设您希望客户 A 的结束日期为 2012 年 6 月 30 日,因为没有 6 月 31 日)。
SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf
1 with mnths as(
2 select add_months( date '2012-01-01', level - 1 ) mnth
3 from dual
4 connect by level <= 6 ),
5 data as (
6 select date '2012-01-01' start_date, date '2012-06-30' end_date, 'a' customer from dual union all
7 select date '2012-01-01', date '2012-01-31', 'b' from dual union all
8 select date '2012-02-01', date '2012-03-31', 'c' from dual
9 )
10 select mnths.mnth, count(*)
11 from data,
12 mnths
13 where mnths.mnth between data.start_date and data.end_date
14 group by mnths.mnth
15* order by mnths.mnth
SQL> /
--------- ----------
01-JAN-12 2
01-FEB-12 2
01-MAR-12 2
01-APR-12 1
01-MAY-12 1
01-JUN-12 1
6 rows selected.