I have tried to implement this using skeleton tracking provided by Kinect. But it doesn't work when I am lying down on a floor.

According to Blitz Games CTO Andrew Oliver, there are specific ways to implement with depth stream or tracking silhouette of a user instead of using skeleton frames from Kinect API. You may find a good example in video game Your Shape Fitness. Here is a link showing floor movements such as push-ups!

Do you guys have any idea how to implement this or detect movements and compare them with other movements using depth stream?


2 回答 2


如果开发了一种 360 度传感器,它不仅可以直接识别前方、左侧或右侧的运动,而且还可以针对上方(?)/下方的运动进行优化?我刚才想象的图像是球形的 360 度运动传感器,通常用于安全建筑物等。

于 2012-10-22T18:30:54.457 回答

如果没有其他传感器,我认为您需要自己跟踪深度数据。是一篇论文,其中详细介绍了 MS 如何在 Kinect SDK 中实现骨骼跟踪,这可能会让您入门。他们在解析深度数据以捕获身体关节的同时实现对象匹配,您可能需要实现一些对象模板和算法来自己进行匹配。除非您可以重用一些骨骼跟踪库来为您从深度数据中解析出对象。

于 2012-10-22T18:38:00.637 回答