Write a separate class for performing Custom Bitmap operations:
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.BitmapFactory;
class BitmapLoader
public static int getScale(int originalWidth,int originalHeight,
final int requiredWidth,final int requiredHeight)
//a scale of 1 means the original dimensions
//of the image are maintained
int scale=1;
//calculate scale only if the height or width of
//the image exceeds the required value.
if((originalWidth>requiredWidth) || (originalHeight>requiredHeight))
//calculate scale with respect to
//the smaller dimension
return scale;
public static BitmapFactory.Options getOptions(String filePath,
int requiredWidth,int requiredHeight)
BitmapFactory.Options options=new BitmapFactory.Options();
//setting inJustDecodeBounds to true
//ensures that we are able to measure
//the dimensions of the image,without
//actually allocating it memory
//decode the file for measurement
//obtain the inSampleSize for loading a
//scaled down version of the image.
//options.outWidth and options.outHeight
//are the measured dimensions of the
//original image
options.outHeight, requiredWidth, requiredHeight);
//set inJustDecodeBounds to false again
//so that we can now actually allocate the
//bitmap some memory
return options;
public static Bitmap loadBitmap(String filePath,
int requiredWidth,int requiredHeight){
BitmapFactory.Options options= getOptions(filePath,
requiredWidth, requiredHeight);
return BitmapFactory.decodeFile(filePath,options);
Then from your activity, call Bitmap reqBitmap = loadBitmap(String filePath,int requiredWidth,int requiredHeight)
method of this class providing the filepath
of the bitmap obtained from the sd card, and setting the requiredWidth and requiredHeight to the dimensions you wish to scale the bitmap to. Now use the reqBitmap
This way large bitmaps will be scaled down before they are loaded into the heap memory. I had the same problem and this solved it for me. :)