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How to compress/decompress a long query string in PHP?

I have a huge amount of data inside my subquerystring for tracking needs.

I loose a lot of my data because of this too large url missinterpreted by clients or search engine or brower capability.

To avoid this problematics, I've decided to compress my querystrings into a smaller one. I've looked into the direction of xor, huffman, lzw & gzdeflate compression algorithm but I'm not satisfied for my url needs (I need to url encode after that...).

Questions :

  • Do you know any other algorythm which can fullfill my needs ?
  • Do you know which compression technics is the most efficient ?

More details:

  • No Post/Session method possible.
  • Every alphanumeric char can be inside the query string.
  • I have around 30 parameters to compress

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