Is there a resource anywhere that shows different suffixes for the imageNamed function.

I know of these...

blah.png - normal image
blah@2x.png - retina image

Then I've seen this mentioned...

blah@2x~ipad.png - a retina image specifically for ipad.

Is there one for...

blah~ipad.png - a normal image specifically for ipad?

Is there a proper list of these anywhere?


1 回答 1


通常,我们为 .png 图像命名。我们有两张图片,一张用于原始尺寸,另一张用于双倍尺寸以使图像清晰。

该命名约定是 blah.png 代表 1x 和 blah@2x.png 代表双倍大小。没有必要写blah_ipad.png。

于 2012-10-19T13:39:16.337 回答