任何人都可以为 IIPImage 制作标签吗?http://iipimage.sourceforge.net/

我正在尝试在我的服务器上设置动态水印:IIPImage 使用 Pyramid Tiff Imaging 将图像拆分为图块。动态水印随机在图块上添加水印,为此您必须在 Apache2 Mods-Enabled 目录中的 Server.conf 文件中指定 3 个变量。WATERMARK 与您的水印的位置,WATERMARK_PROBABILITY 多少瓷砖会有水印,即 0.3 = 30%,最后是 WATERMARK_OPACITY 它有多不透明。http://iipimage.sourceforge.net/documentation/images/#watermarking这是我的配置:

ScriptAlias /fcgi-bin/ "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/"
# Set the options on that directory
<Directory "/fcgi-bin/">
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

# Set the handler
AddHandler fastcgi-script fcg fcgi fpl

# Initialise the FCGI server - set some default values
FastCgiServer /usr/lib/cgi-bin/iipsrv.fcgi \
-initial-env LOGFILE=/var/log/iipsrv.log \
-initial-env VERBOSITY=3 \
-initial-env JPEG_QUALITY=90 \
-initial-env MAX_IMAGE_CACHE_SIZE=10 \
-initial-env MAX_CVT=5000 \
-initial-env WATERMARK=/IIPServer/images/watermark.tif \
-initial-env WATERMARK_PROBABILITY=0.3 \
-initial-env WATERMARK_OPACITY=0.5 \
-initial-env MEMCACHED_SERVERS=localhost


Fri Oct 19 9:53:02 2012

IIPImage Server. Version 0.9.9
*** Ruven Pillay <ruven@users.sourceforge.net> ***

Verbosity level set to 3
Running in FCGI mode

Setting maximum image cache size to 10MB
Setting filesystem prefix to ''
Setting default JPEG quality to 90
Setting maximum CVT size to 5000
Setting 3D file sequence name pattern to '_pyr_'
Loaded watermark image '/IIPServer/images/watermark.tif': setting probability to 0.3 and   opacity to 0.5
Memcached support enabled. Connected to servers: 'localhost' with timeout 86400

Initialisation Complete.

1 回答 1


Okay so the problem was that all the images loaded prior to setting dynamic watermarking were cached in memcache as well as browser cache, clearing those fixed the problem.

于 2012-10-24T12:16:15.030 回答