I want that rows to rearrangement to columns with spaces between the strings.
q9I6OEFg003411 q9I5IHv5006818 q9I6Gi6P024439 q9I5RoA0019541
Expected view:
q9I6OEFg003411 q9I5IHv5006818 q9I6Gi6P024439 q9I5RoA0019541
You can use tr
to translate <newline>
to <space>
tr '\n' ' ' < file
Also in sed
sed -n '1h;1!H;${g;s/\n/ /g;p}' file
In awk
awk -vORS=' ' 1 file
If file is small, you can use cat
echo `cat file`
If you know vim
:%s/\n/ /
maybe more ...
Using paste command:
paste -sd" " file
d option to set delimiter.