I need to implement a method for checking plagiarism in website content.
When I submit a particular URL I need to get the places where the web content is used or manipulated.
Is there any API to do that?
I need to implement a method for checking plagiarism in website content.
When I submit a particular URL I need to get the places where the web content is used or manipulated.
Is there any API to do that?
我正在使用Copyleaks API 检查抄袭,它完全支持 C# 和 .Net 应用程序。API 基于 HTTP RESTful 架构。集成和使用非常简单。创建一个新的 Visual Studio 项目并安装 Copyleaks API Nuget Package。
要扫描您的内容是否存在抄袭,只需使用您的凭据调用函数“扫描”。这是一个示例代码(来自他们的开源GitHub SDK):
public void Scan(string username, string apiKey, string url)
// Login to Copyleaks server.
Console.Write("User login... ");
LoginToken token = UsersAuthentication.Login(username, apiKey);
// Create a new process on server.
Console.Write("Submiting new request... ");
Detector detector = new Detector(token);
ScannerProcess process = detector.CreateProcess(url);
// Waiting to process to be finished.
Console.Write("Waiting for completion... ");
while (!process.IsCompleted())
// Getting results.
Console.Write("Getting results... ");
var results = process.GetResults();
if (results.Length == 0)
Console.WriteLine("\tNo results.");
for (int i = 0; i < results.Length; ++i)
Console.WriteLine("Result {0}:", i + 1);
Console.WriteLine("Domain: {0}", results[i].Domain);
Console.WriteLine("Url: {0}", results[i].URL);
Console.WriteLine("Precents: {0}", results[i].Precents);
Console.WriteLine("CopiedWords: {0}", results[i].NumberOfCopiedWords);