I'd like to offer video chat on my website and was wondering if anyone can recommend an API/service that'll let me do so. I'm familiar with OpenTok, but not happy that it uses Flash. Also, the audio tends to have a lot of noise/feedback - unless you are wearing a headset.



I'm using it for P2P right now, but do want to do group video chat in the future.

Flash is one of my primary concerns. I noticed Flash sometimes crashes when I'm using OpenTok. Though Flash crashes other times, too -- it seems to be more frequent when using it for OpenTok. I understand Flash has its benefits (the big one for me is that I can almost count on my users having it), but I'd like to explore other options if possible. Flash is supposed to be a dying technology?

Audio is the other major concern. There is generally an echo going on and a noticeable delay. Using the same set up (Internet connection, computer, mic/speakers, etc.) and comparing it to Skype, it's obvious that Skype is far more superior.

The player is my final concern. Here are the things I don't like about it:

  • I can't remove the top left icon that links to OpenTok. Thus, this isn't something I can truly white label.
  • The player comes with volume control, but not video control (e.g. to stop publishing, to stop subscribing). Instead, I am forced to implement my own via the API. Though the API makes it fairly easy to do, I don't think I should have to. Video control should be provided, just like volume control.

6 回答 6


OpenTok for WebRTC 应该可以解决您上面提到的所有问题。在此处查找更多信息:http: //tokbox.com/opentok/docs/concepts/WebRTC.html

于 2013-07-12T00:01:26.897 回答

您可能想查看 TenHands ( http://www.tenhands.net ) 提供的 API,看看这是否满足您的需求。整合应该是相当直接的。

于 2012-11-08T19:44:32.060 回答

现在还有 EasyRTC ( easyrtc.com )

于 2014-06-18T18:55:44.140 回答

澄清格里所说的。您可以使用 EasyRTC 构建和对等对等视频会议应用程序。使用easyrtc Lib,您可以在短时间内轻松进行群聊[视频+音频+文本+文件传输],只需查看他们的演示。他们已经提供了一个很好的演示应用程序列表,easyrtc lib 也有据可查。请注意,easyrtc 不使用 flash 他们使用 WebRTC。对于视频控制器,您可以轻松地将 HTML5 视频控制器嵌入标签中。


于 2014-06-23T05:47:28.957 回答



于 2016-09-15T20:29:42.027 回答

这是 VSee 定义的 API 提供者的“比较”列表:

不……我在 VSee 中没有任何既得利益。

于 2013-09-07T02:37:37.507 回答