我正在尝试将 ZOOZ 集成到应用程序支付中,但它在运行时给了我错误。它执行我的完整方法,然后使应用程序崩溃。我的方法是这样的

    paymentSuccessLabel.hidden = YES;

    ZooZ * zooz = [ZooZ sharedInstance];

    zooz.sandbox = YES;

    zooz.tintColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:1 green:0.8 blue:0 alpha:1];

    zooz.barButtonTintColor = [UIColor darkGrayColor];

    ZooZPaymentRequest * req = [zooz createPaymentRequestWithTotal:12.1 invoiceRefNumber:@"test invoice ref-1234" delegate:self];

    req.currencyCode = @"EUR";

    req.payerDetails.firstName = @"Some";

    req.payerDetails.email = @"test@zooz.com";


    req.requireAddress = NO;

    ZooZInvoiceItem * item = [ZooZInvoiceItem invoiceItem:12.1 quantity:1 name:@"T-Shirt"];
    item.additionalDetails = @"Free 200 characters custom description";
    item.itemId = @"refId-12345678"; // optional

    [req addItem:item];

    req.invoice.additionalDetails = @"Custom invoice description text";

    [zooz openPayment:req forAppKey:@"27edd0b5-7289-4e6a-9dcb-201179701496"];



Unknown class ZooZCardViewController in Interface Builder file.
Unknown class ZooZButton in Interface Builder file.
Unknown class ZooZFooterPanel in Interface Builder file.
Unknown class ZooZSpinner in Interface Builder file.
Unknown class ZooZBasePanel in Interface Builder file.
 *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: '[<UICustomObject 0x4c12e0> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key pageControl.'



1 回答 1


您似乎没有正确包含 ZooZ SDK 库文件。我建议您首先删除对 ZooZ 的所有引用。还要查看目标属性的“框架搜索路径”,并确保没有对 ZooZ 的引用。

然后只需右键单击您的项目文件,选择添加新文件,然后选择 ZooZ.embeeedframework 文件夹。(不要标记复制文件复选框)并标记您希望将其添加到的所有目标。

ZooZ SDK 文档 PDF 文件中有分步流程,包括屏幕截图。还要确保在目标的“其他链接器标志”属性中设置“-ObjC”值

于 2012-10-15T13:13:59.997 回答