I'm trying to install Zxing on my iphone from source (I know I can get it at the app store, but I want to modify some things in it).

The problem I'm having is that the app won't stay installed on the phone. It will run without a problem, but no icon will appear after I quit the app. I thought it had to do with my manually editing the codesign information in the project.pbxproj but after the developers changed the codesign identity they had left in the checked in version, the problem still persists.

I tried deploying an app I had developed from scratch and that worked fine.

I'm new to this, so any help would be much appreciated. You can download the zxing code from here:

svn checkout http://zxing.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ zxing-read-only


2 回答 2


我认为问题与我的 iPhone 固件有关。这可能是 Apple 的一个错误,因为我收到了一封来自 truphone 的电子邮件,说用户遇到了类似的问题。我重新安装了固件,可以正常安装,并同步其他应用程序。一旦我从以前的备份中恢复,它又坏了……真是痛苦。结案。

于 2009-08-21T16:32:05.960 回答

您是否从 App Store 下载了副本?我有一个应用程序(从 Xcode 构建)在同步后没有留下来,我发现这是因为 iTunes 正在查看我的应用程序同步首选项并且没有选择同步(因为我在那里有 Xcode 构建版本,我不想同步那个版本)。但是,它可能会删除构建的应用程序,因为我说我不想同步它的任何版本。

选中复选框以在 iTunes 中同步应用程序将 Xcode 构建版本保留在那里,而无需安装 App Store 版本。


于 2009-08-20T00:14:08.627 回答