A Facebook app is setup with iOS native app enabled with bundle id and App Store Id of another app.

Following are possible in the current scenario.

1.Sending an app request to a friend, 2.The request badge appears in the friend's Facebook, 3. And clicking on the request launches my app.

This was the link i referred to implement this. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/howtos/send-requests-using-ios-sdk/#protip3

I am supposed to get a NSURL from these functions

– application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation:
– application:handleOpenURL:   

and the expected format is as follows.


Here the request_ids contains The id of app request send, and which can be used to get the data attached to the App Request.

Now my issue is that, I am not getting the NSURL in expected form, instead I get the following format. So I am unable to find or use the request_ids.


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