I am using primeface schedule component and having an issue onEventMove event. My event handler method is as the following:

    public void onEventMove(ScheduleEntryMoveEvent event) {

        /* I put the id of my object as data of schedule event 
         * while I constructed  event model.

        String id = (String) event.getScheduleEvent().getData();

        /* And when the move event occure, find my object by 
         * using the data of the moved event.

        MyObject myObject = myObjectManager.findMyObject(id);

        /* MyObject also have two attributes, startDate and endDate

        Date startTime = myObject.getStartDate();
        Date endTime = myObject.getEndDate();

        /* I print out startDate and endDate of MyObject and
         * new start date and end date of moved event


My issue here is that the output are being same. I mean the output of the statement:


is same with the output of


and also the output of the statement


is being same with


Can anybody suggest me what I am doing wrong please?

myObjectManager is an instance of EJB stateless session bean and the souce code of myObjectManager.findMyObject(id) is as following:

public MyObject findMyObject(String id) {
    return myObjectEAO.find(id);

myObjectEAO is also an instance of EJB stateless session bean and the source code of myObjectEAO.find(id) is as following:

public MyObject find(String id) {
    // em, here, is an instance of entity manager
    return em.find(MyObject.class, id);

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