基本上,客户端所做的是在屏幕上绘制一个“图形”方块,当您在屏幕上移动这个方块时(使用键盘事件、箭头键),它会将 x 和 y 坐标发送到服务器以放入一个数组中在开始连接时给予客户端的客户端编号的对应索引。
我的问题不是将 x 和 y 线发送到服务器,无论我连接了多少个客户端,它们都可以工作并将 x 和 y 线发送到服务器进行存储,当然还有当玩家做出新动作时,数组中先前的 x 和 y 被新的 x 和 y 线覆盖。
所以基本上如果我要在我的客户端屏幕上移动我的方块,它会在每个人的屏幕上移动(当然是连接到服务器)。我在想 id 为每个客户端都有一个多线程服务器,这意味着 id 每个连接有两个线程。但是,如果我在两个线程中同时来回发送东西,套接字就会混淆。另外,我希望客户不断收到这个 x 和 y 线数组,而不仅仅是在它移动时,这样如果有人移动它就会更新每个人。而且我还希望服务器不断地向客户端发送 x 和 y 线阵列,同时另外接收新的 x 和 y 并对阵列进行正确的更改。
//some methods are taken out
// All imports imported here
public class ClientSquares extends JFrame implements Runnable{
//variables here
public void run(){
//other calls here (just for client)
if(online == true && (x != oldX || y != oldY)){
//only sends its X and Y cords when the player makes a move.
checkAbility check = new checkAbility(x, y, clientNum, alpha);
//the Checking method in checkAbilities class just assigns a client
//number to this client, which is stored in a int variable called
//clientNum, once its assigned then it can send its x and Y cords
}catch(Exception e){
System.err.println("Error in implemented Runnable's method Run");
//paint method stuff here, paints the the clients square, and everyone else (according
//to the array received from the server.
public static void main(String [] args){
//thread for client started here
public ClientSquares(){
//standard jFrame here, creates standard x and y cords here
//This is how im making my connection with the server right now.. further
//communication (in getting client number, and x and y cords are done in a
//different class)
sock = new Socket("localhost",4000);
OS = new DataOutputStream(sock.getOutputStream());
IS = new DataInputStream(sock.getInputStream());
OIS = new ObjectInputStream(sock.getInputStream());
roomNum = IS.readInt();
players = new int[roomNum + 1][2];
online = true;
}catch(Exception e){
System.err.println("Cannot connect to the Server, check and make sure that the" +
" correct ip is entered, and also check if port 777 is open" +
" you will now enter offline mode.");
online = false;
class AL extends KeyAdapter{
//Key events here
//import heres
public class ServerRunner{
//variables here, and this class is called somewhere else to start the server,
//has the server socket, and a couple more variables
public ServerRunner(Server2 ser){
serv2 = ser;
players = new Socket[ServerRunner.roomNum + 1];
xy = new int[roomNum + 1][2];
gui = new GUI();
string = new String[0];
//start method is called in the class above, which passes it a server2 object
public void start(){
serv2.dataServ = new ServerSocket(4000);
serv2.listening = true;
gui.main(string); //the GUI class just draws the players for the server to
System.out.println("Listening for Connections...");
}catch(Exception e){
System.err.println("The port number 777 and 778 are not open");
//the data class gives the client a client number, and stores the x & y
new data(serv2.dataServ.accept()).start();
}catch(Exception e){
System.err.println("Error in Server Runner");
public void defaultArray(){
for(int i = 0; i < xy.length; i++){
xy[i][0] = -1;
编辑:总的来说,我有一个正在使用的套接字,但我需要用这个套接字(线程)做多件事,我如何在不混淆数据的情况下做这件事,我应该再做一个 serverSocket 吗?
客户端会将其 x 和 y 线发送到服务器以存储在一个数组中,但也将接收一个充满其他玩家 x 和 y 线的数组以同时在其屏幕上绘制......看这是螺纹到位的地方,但如果不是不可能的话,用一个插座就很难做到