自从我使用 MPI 以来已经有一段时间了。但是I函数是非阻塞的。也许是这样的:
int comm_size = comm.Get_size();
int comm_rank = comm.Get_rank();
int* data = new int[comm_size];
while (some_condition)
//During each iteration, check for messages from other nodes
for (int node = 0; node < comm_size; node++)
if (node != comm_rank)
if (comm.Iprobe(node, TAG_NUM))
comm.Irecv(data[node], 1, MPI_INT, node, TAG_NUM);
if (some_other_condition)
//Send the message to every node
for (int node = 0; node < comm_size; node++)
if (node != comm_rank)
comm.Isend(data[node], 1, MPI_INT, node, TAG_NUM);
//do normal work here.
delete [] data;