(我是本地 iPhone 开发人员 - Phonegap/Cordova 的新手)

对于某些设置或偏好,我们在原生 iOS 中使用 NSUserDefaults。使用 webviews 和 phonegap 时是否有等价物?提前致谢。


1 回答 1


有一个应用程序偏好 Cordova 插件


function ok (value) {}
function fail (error) {}

var prefs = plugins.appPreferences;

// cordova interface

// store key => value pair
prefs.store (ok, fail, 'key', 'value');

// store key => value pair in dict (see notes)
prefs.store (ok, fail, 'dict', 'key', 'value');

// fetch value by key (value will be delivered through "ok" callback)
prefs.fetch (ok, fail, 'key');

// fetch value by key from dict (see notes)
prefs.fetch (ok, fail, 'dict', 'key');

// remove value by key
prefs.remove (ok, fail, 'key');

// show application preferences
prefs.show (ok, fail);

// instead of cordova interface you can use promise interface
// you'll receive promise when you won't pass function reference
// as first and second parameter

// fetch the value for a key using promise
prefs.fetch ('key').then (ok, fail);

// support for iOS suites (untested)
var suitePrefs = prefs.iosSuite ("suiteName");
suitePrefs.fetch (...);
suitePrefs.store (...);
于 2015-09-28T10:43:59.353 回答