


  1. 在 Servlet 中,首先调用 init(),然后调用 service(),最后在创建 servlet 对象时自动调用 destroy()。

  2. android中的Activity有生命周期方法onCreate()、onStart()、onResume()等,当Activity对象存在时会自动调用


4 回答 4



public class Template {
  public void templateMethod() {
  protected void detail1() {}
  protected void detail2() {}


然后你子类化 Template 类。

于 2012-10-09T11:34:04.107 回答


于 2012-10-09T10:45:32.407 回答


由于小程序在浏览器中运行,因此 Applet 类包含生命周期方法。生命周期方法也称为环回方法。

在 java.applet.Applet 我们有四种生命周期方法。他们是

public void init (),
public void start (),
public void stop () 
public void destroy ().

1. public void init():

This is the method which is called by the browser only one time after loading the applet.
In this method we write some block of statements which will perform one time operations, such as, obtaining the resources like opening the files, obtaining the database connection, initializing the parameters, etc.

2. public void start():

  After calling the init method, the next method which is from second request to sub-sequent requests the start method only will be called i.e., short method will be called each and every time.
In this method we write the block of statement which provides business logic.

3. public void stop():

  This id the method which is called by the browser when we minimize the window. 
In this method we write the block of statements which will temporarily releases the resources which are obtained in init method.

4. public void destroy():

This is the method which will be called by the browser when we close the window button or when we terminate the applet application.
In this method we write same block of statements which will releases the resources permanently which are obtained in init method.

另一个不是生命周期方法的方法是 public void paint()。这是在启动方法完成后将被浏览器调用的方法。此方法用于在浏览器上显示数据。Paint 方法在内部调用名为 drawString 的方法,其原型如下所示。java.awt.Graphics (Graphics => public void drawString (String, int row position, int column position)) 将小程序加载到浏览器后,会自动创建一个 Graphics 类的对象。

于 2012-10-09T10:48:07.793 回答


于 2012-10-09T10:51:12.827 回答