
What would be the best language if I want to develop a range of Linux related things. I want to make kernel patches, Linux programs, contribute with other projects, etc. Where and with which language do I start?


4 回答 4


If you want to do kernel work and a variety of other Linux core things, then C (followed by C++) would be your starting point. You also need to throw in a healthy does of bash shell programming. And gcc is the compilation tool of choice. The kernel is nearly all C and a lot of apps use C++

于 2013-05-26T16:31:10.620 回答

The best way to decide which language is going to be useful to you is to look at the source for the projects to which you wish to contribute. Take a look around popular code repositories, such as , and .

Diving into a language like may be useful for some scientific projects, but not at all useful for something low-level like development.

I want to make kernel patches

The Linux kernel source tree is currently:

So start with The C Programming Language and go from there!

Good luck!

于 2013-05-26T16:33:37.297 回答

You should know C (for kernel patches) and Bash (so you can actually use Linux). Maybe also Python (for general scripting).

于 2013-05-26T16:34:17.940 回答

Learning Python is a good start, if you are familiar with Object Oriented programming. Shell scripting can help you a lot too.

于 2013-05-26T16:38:27.280 回答