In this example I'm trying to create an Array of length 5 where each ellement contains the number of times .3 can be summed without exceeding 1. i.e. 3 times. So each element should contain the number 3. Here is my code:
workingCount = 0;
workingSum = 0;
done = false;
While[! done,
workingSum = workingSum + .3;
If[workingSum > 1, done = true; workingCount, workingCount++]
, 5]
In the 3rd to last line there I have workingCount
without a ;
after it because it seems like in Mathematica omitting the ;
causes the value a statement resolves to to be returned.
Instead I get this:
{Null[1], Null[2], Null[3], Null[4], Null[5]}
Why does this happen? How can I get my program to do what I want it to do? i.e. In the context of the function passed to Array to initialize it's elements, how to I use complicated multi-line functions?
Thanks in advance.