在尝试将 HSI 转换为 RGB 时,我遇到了一些奇怪的问题,我正在尝试将其作为家庭作业的一部分。首先,这是我的原始图像:


我正在从具有 H、S、I 值(0-255)的图像转换。这是该图像在 RGB 颜色空间中的显示(Hue=red,sat=green,inten=blue):




HSI 均衡图像: http://i.imgur.com/hgk9K.png ((你必须复制这些,因为我没有超过 2 个超链接的代表))


现在问题来了。将其转换回 RGB 后,我得到以下结果:

转换后的图像: http://i.imgur.com/6wEyw.png



这是我用来从 HSI 转换为 RGB 的代码。错误可能不在此方法范围内,但此处使用的所有功能都已在其他地方进行了测试,并且似乎可以正常工作。

void colorSpace::HSItoRGB(image &src, image &tgt){
    float pi = 3.14159265358979f;
    for (int i=0; i<src.getNumberOfRows(); i++){    //for each pixel
        for (int j=0; j<src.getNumberOfColumns(); j++){
            //re-normalize h,s,i
            float h = ((float)src.getPixel(i,j,H))*pi*2.0f/255.0f;//255/2 instead of 180
            float s = ((float)src.getPixel(i,j,S))/255.0f;//255 instead of 100
            float in= ((float)src.getPixel(i,j,I))/255.0f;
            //compute x y z
            float x = in*(1.0f-s);
            float y = in*( 1.0f + (s*cos(h) / cos(pi/3.0f-h)) );
            float z = 3.0f*in-(x+y);
            float r,g,b;    //set rgb
                b = x;
                r = y;
                g = z;
            }else if(h<(4.0f*pi/3.0f)){//&&2pi/3<=h
                r = x; 
                g = y;
                b = z;
            }else{  //less than 2pi && 4pi/3<=h
                g = x;
                b = y;
                r = z;
            //convert normalized rgb to 0-255 range
            int rr = (int)round(r*255.0f);
            int gg = (int)round(g*255.0f);
            int bb = (int)round(b*255.0f);



2 回答 2


这里的基本思想是色调值从 0 到 360 的变化,这将产生 rgb 值。我们也有饱和度,它是一个从 0.00 到 1.00 或介于两者之间的值,还有强度也是 0.00 到 1.00。


 ///I use this
// the function result will be the values of the array rgb[3] and will be the  rgb values 0-255

///float H is values 0-360 because there are 360 degrees of color in hsi colorspace
///float S is 0.00 - 1.00 and aything in between
///float I is 0.00 - 1.00 and aything in between
///The input to our function is going to be hsi_to_rgb (Hue, Saturation, Intensity(brightness))

int rgb[3]; ///number of channels rgb = 3

void hsi_to_rgb(float H, float S, float I) {
  int r, g, b;
  if (H > 360) {
    H = H - 360;
  H = fmod(H, 360); // cycle H around to 0-360 degrees
  H = 3.14159 * H / (float)180; // Convert to radians.
  S = S > 0 ? (S < 1 ? S : 1) : 0; // clamp S and I to interval [0,1]
  I = I > 0 ? (I < 1 ? I : 1) : 0;
  if (H < 2.09439) {
    r = 255 * I / 3 * (1 + S * cos(H) / cos(1.047196667 - H));
    g = 255 * I / 3 * (1 + S * (1 - cos(H) / cos(1.047196667 - H)));
    b = 255 * I / 3 * (1 - S);
  } else if (H < 4.188787) {
    H = H - 2.09439;
    g = 255 * I / 3 * (1 + S * cos(H) / cos(1.047196667 - H));
    b = 255 * I / 3 * (1 + S * (1 - cos(H) / cos(1.047196667 - H)));
    r = 255 * I / 3 * (1 - S);
  } else {
    H = H - 4.188787;
    b = 255 * I / 3 * (1 + S * cos(H) / cos(1.047196667 - H));
    r = 255 * I / 3 * (1 + S * (1 - cos(H) / cos(1.047196667 - H)));
    g = 255 * I / 3 * (1 - S);
  //set the output to the array
  rgb[0] = r;
  rgb[1] = g;
  rgb[2] = b;

于 2016-08-22T14:40:48.967 回答

在计算依赖于它们的 cos 值之前,需要针对这三种情况调整 h 值。IE:

            y = in*( 1.0f + (s*cos(h) / cos(pi/3.0f-h)) );
            b = x;
            r = y;
            g = z;
        }else if(h<(4.0f*pi/3.0f)){//&&2pi/3<=h
            h -= 2*pi/3;
            y = in*( 1.0f + (s*cos(h) / cos(pi/3.0f-h)) );
            r = x; 
            g = y;
            b = z;
        }else{  //less than 2pi && 4pi/3<=h
            h -= 4*pi/3;
            y = in*( 1.0f + (s*cos(h) / cos(pi/3.0f-h)) );
            g = x;
            b = y;
            r = z;

您还需要确保所有 rr,gg,bb 值都不会超出 0..255 区间:

if (rr < 0) rr = 0;
if (rr > 255) rr = 255;

... ETC

于 2012-10-08T20:10:05.137 回答