我将 Ninject 与表单、用户控件和设计器一起使用的方法是:
- 使用工厂创建表单(如果您动态创建一些控件,也可以用于用户控件)
- 对于用户控件和表单,保持构造函数不带参数并使用属性注入
- 向内核添加一个激活策略,检查 ninject 是否刚刚创建了表单或用户控件。如果是这种情况,激活策略会遍历 UserControl(或 Form)的 Controls 属性中的控件,并为每个用户控件调用 Kernel.Inject(UserControl)。(激活策略是在注入对象后执行的一些代码 ninject)
您可以使用设计器并拥有通过 Ninject 注入依赖项的表单和用户控件。
namespace Majiic.Ninject
public class WindowsFormsStrategy : ActivationStrategy
// Activate is called after Kernel.Inject
//even for objects not created by Ninject
//To avoid multiple "injections" in the same nested controls
//we put this flag to false.
private bool _activatingControls = false;
public override void Activate(IContext context, InstanceReference reference)
reference.IfInstanceIs<UserControl>(uc =>
if (!_activatingControls)
Trace.TraceInformation("Activate. Injecting dependencies in User control of type {0}", uc.GetType());
_activatingControls = true;
_activatingControls = false;
reference.IfInstanceIs<Form>(form =>
if (!_activatingControls)
Trace.TraceInformation("Activate. Injecting dependencies in Form of type {0}", form.GetType());
_activatingControls = true;
_activatingControls = false;
var kernel=new StandardKernel(new CommonMajiicNinjectModule());
kernel.Components.Add<IActivationStrategy, WindowsFormsStrategy>();
namespace Majiic.Ninject
static public class WinFormsInstanceProviderAux
static public void InjectDescendantOf(this IKernel kernel, ContainerControl containerControl)
var childrenControls = containerControl.Controls.Cast<Control>();
foreach (var control in childrenControls )
InjectUserControlsOf(kernel, control);
static private void InjectUserControlsOf(this IKernel kernel, Control control)
//only user controls can have properties defined as n-inject-able
if (control is UserControl)
Trace.TraceInformation("Injecting dependencies in User Control of type {0}", control.GetType());
//A non user control can have children that are user controls and should be n-injected
var childrenControls = control.Controls.Cast<Control>();
foreach (var childControl in childrenControls )
InjectUserControlsOf(kernel, childControl );