Objective: N 个节点(运行在不同的机器上)应该通过相互建立 TCP 连接来相互通信。发送和接收消息由进程创建的 2 个线程完成。最初,主进程将所有节点相互连接,创建 2 个线程并为其提供文件描述符列表,线程可以使用这些文件描述符发送和接收数据。下面的结构由主进程填充并传递给线程。
typedef struct
char hostName[MAXIMUM_CHARACTERS_IN_HOSTNAME]; /* Host name of the node */
char portNumber[MAXIMUM_PORT_LENGTH]; /* Port number of the node */
char nodeId[MAXIMUM_NODE_ID_LENGTH]; /* Node ID of the node */
int socketFd; /* Socket file descriptor */
int socketReady; /* Flag to indicate if socket information is filled */
PS:socketFd 是由 accept() 或 socket() 接收的套接字描述符,具体取决于连接的建立方式(侦听来自节点的连接或连接到节点)。
使用大小为 MAX_NUM_OF_NODES 的 SNodeInformation 数组。
发送线程通过 nodeInformation 并向所有节点发送消息“Hello”,如下所示。
void *sendMessageThread(void *pNodeInformation) {
int i;
int ownNodeId;
int bytesSent = 0;
SNodeInformation *nodeInformation = (SNodeInformation *) pNodeInformation;
SNodeInformation *iterNodeInformation;
printf("SendMessageThread: Send thread created\n");
if(gethostname(ownHostName, MAXIMUM_CHARACTERS_IN_HOSTNAME) != 0) {
perror("Error: sendMessageThread, gethostname failed\n");
for(i=0, iterNodeInformation=nodeInformation ; i<MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_NODES ; i++, iterNodeInformation++) {
if(strcmp((const char*) iterNodeInformation->hostName, (const char*) ownHostName) != 0) {
/* Send message to all nodes except yourself */
bytesSent = send(iterNodeInformation->socketFd, "Hello", 6, 0);
if(bytesSent == -1) {
printf("Error: sendMessageThread, sending failed, code: %s FD %d\n", strerror(errno), iterNodeInformation->socketFd);
接收线程通过 nodeInformation,设置文件描述符集并使用 select 等待传入数据,如下所示。
void *receiveMessageThread(void *pNodeInformation)
int i;
int fileDescriptorMax = -1;
int doneReceiving = 0;
int numberOfBytesReceived = 0;
int receiveCount = 0;
fd_set readFileDescriptorList;
char inMessage[6];
SNodeInformation *nodeInformation = (SNodeInformation *) pNodeInformation;
SNodeInformation *iterNodeInformation;
printf("ReceiveMessageThread: Receive thread created\n");
/* Initialize the read file descriptor */
for(i=0, iterNodeInformation=nodeInformation ; i<MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_NODES ; i++, iterNodeInformation++) {
FD_SET(iterNodeInformation->socketFd, &readFileDescriptorList);
if(iterNodeInformation->socketFd > fileDescriptorMax) {
fileDescriptorMax = iterNodeInformation->socketFd;
printf("ReceiveMessageThread: fileDescriptorMax:%d\n", fileDescriptorMax);
while(!doneReceiving) {
if (select(fileDescriptorMax+1, &readFileDescriptorList, NULL, NULL, NULL) == -1) {
perror("Error receiveMessageThread, select failed \n");
return -1;
for(i=0 ; i<fileDescriptorMax ; i++) {
if (FD_ISSET(i, &readFileDescriptorList)) {
/* Check if any FD was set */
printf("ReceiveThread: FD set %d\n", i);
/* Receive data from one of the nodes */
if ((numberOfBytesReceived = recv(i, &inMessage, 6, 0)) <= 0) {
/* Got error or connection closed by client */
if (numberOfBytesReceived == 0) {
/* Connection closed */
printf("Info: receiveMessageThread, node %d hung up\n", i);
else {
perror("Error: receiveMessageThread, recv FAILED\n");
/* Remove from Master file descriptor set */
FD_CLR(i, &readFileDescriptorList);
doneReceiving = 1;
else {
/* Valid data from a node */
inMessage[6] = '\0';
if(++receiveCount == MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_NODES-1) {
doneReceiving = 1;
printf("ReceiveThread: %s received, count: %d\n", inMessage, rece iveCount);
预期输出:我只尝试了 2 个进程,P1(首先启动)和 P2 在 machine1 上运行,另一个在 machine2 上运行。机器中的两个进程都应该首先连接,然后线程应该发送和接收消息“Hello”并退出。
观察到的输出:P1 能够发送消息,P2(接收线程)能够接收消息“Hello”。但是 P1(接收线程)无法从 P2(发送线程)获取消息。两台机器上的应用程序代码是相同的,但每次,首先启动的进程都不会从另一个进程中获取消息。我添加了一个打印来检查是否设置了某些文件描述符,但我没有看到它用于 P1,而仅用于 P2。接收过程中的发送没有失败,它返回6。我检查了文件描述符的最大值,它是正确的。
如果我先启动 P2 然后启动 P1,那么我可以看到 P1 接收到来自 P2 的消息并且存在,而 P2 无限等待来自 P1 的消息。