id email name last_access
1 luca@gmail.com Luca Pluto 2012-10-05 17:21:22.0
2 pippo@gmail.com Irene Pippo 2012-10-05 17:22:25.0
user_id network_id perm
1 1234 3
1 1235 1
2 1235 3
SELECT u.id, u.name, n.perm
FROM users as u LEFT OUTER JOIN nets_permissions as n
ON u.id = n.user_id
WHERE n.network_id=1234 AND n.perm <> 3
因为我想要已经拥有 network_id (1234) 权限的用户,但也需要没有 network_id 权限的用户。换句话说,我会有这个结果查询:
2 null null
因为对于网络 1234,id=1 的用户 Luca Pluto 具有 perm=3,所以我想排除在外。相反,id=2 的用户 Irene Pippo 在 1234 网络上没有任何权限。所以它的行必须有 net_id 和 perm 设置为空。
我的查询结果为空。我不知道为什么。如果没有子句 n.perm <> 3 似乎工作得很好,但在空值之后也被遗漏了,不仅是 perm=3 的 rws。
SELECT u.id, u.name, n.perm FROM users as u LEFT OUTER JOIN
(select * from nets_permissions WHERE network_id=1234) as n on u.id = n.user_id
WHERE n.perm <> 3
but it doesn't work. without the WHERE clause all works. After no. The result query is empty.
How I can resolve this problem? I need that the perm column is a value or null, I can't remove this column.