CollectionObject mycollobj = new CollectionObject();
List<string> MyProducts = new List<string>();
//get collection of selected customers that were passed in
var chckedValues = form.GetValues("assignChkBx");
foreach(string customer in chckedValues )
//MyProducts is then set to a data access method in my data access class
MyProducts = DataLayerClass.GetProductsFromCustomer(customer);
foreach(string product in MyProducts)
string item1 = DataLayerClass.GetItem1(product);
string item2 = DataLayerClass.GetItem2(product);
mycollobj.loaditems(item1, item2);
本质上 mycollobj 是一个黑盒子,用于一些相当复杂的分析(我无法控制)。有没有更好的方法来运行这个嵌套算法?任何建议都很有价值,请询问您是否需要澄清任何事情。谢谢!