我是 Cocos3d 的初学者。我使用 Cocos3D 项目模板创建了一个 cocos3d 项目。当我移动我的相机时,我希望 CC3MeshNode 会消失(它也在屏幕外,只有在相机移动到特定位置时才会出现)。我还设置了 shouldAutotargetCamera 和 shouldTrackTarget 是 YES 但它没有用。CC3MeshNode 总是出现在屏幕中心。如果你有 Cocos3D 的经验,请帮我解决。十分感谢。


2 回答 2


if I understood your problem correctly, you should do steps like these:

  1. set up your scene (add CC3MeshNode into it)
  2. set viewController.isOverlayingDeviceCamera = YES; (this is line from cocos3d template from AppDelegate class)
  3. start to update your CC3Camera in scene with data from accelerometer. You could see my question (and answer) here on how to do that. The "update:" method is CC3Scene's one.

Hope that would help!

于 2012-12-27T16:49:28.110 回答

在 CC3Scene 中,onOpen 方法注释行 [self.activeCamera moveWithDuration: 3.0 toShowAllOf: self withPadding: 0.5f]。那么你的 meshNode 将不在屏幕中心。

于 2013-10-11T11:49:56.767 回答