我正在使用 swig 来包装这个 C++ 项目,并且在将所有头文件导入到我的 python 代码中之后,我现在正在努力在 python 中重新创建主类,但是我在查找相应的数据时遇到了麻烦结构和数据类型。以下是main.cpp下的main方法
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
string exe_name = argv[ 0 ];
string usage = "Usage: " + exe_name + " unigene.fasta [options]\n\
-g <GC content> \tminimum GC content in percentage (Default 45).\n\
-G <GC content> \tmaximum GC content in percentage (Default 55).\n\
-m <temperature> \tlowest melting temperature in degrees of celsius (Default 0).\n\
-M <temperature> \thighest melting temperature in degrees of celsius (Default 100).\n\
-r <repeat.fasta> \tfasta file containing repeat DNA sequences.\n\
-t <top number> \tnumber of top oligos selected for each unigene (Default 1).\n\n";
string unigene_file;
// options only, each must have an associated value
int min_gc = 45;
int max_gc = 55;
int min_tm = 0;
int max_tm = 100;
int top_num = 1;
string repeat_file;
vector< string > m_argument;
for ( int i = 0; i < argc; i ++ ) {
string new_arg = argv[ i ];
m_argument.push_back( new_arg );
parse_argument( m_argument, usage, unigene_file,
min_gc, max_gc, min_tm, max_tm, top_num, repeat_file );
// initialize filtration parameters
float norm_min_gc = (float)min_gc / 100.0;
float norm_max_gc = (float)max_gc / 100.0;
string splice_file; // empty splice file
filt_param m_filtparam( norm_min_gc, norm_max_gc, min_tm, max_tm,
repeat_file, splice_file );
// screen unigenes for unique oligos
seqs m_unigene;
m_unigene.init( unigene_file );
// map from unigene names to oligo sequences
map< string, vector< string > > uniq_oligo;
get_unique_oligo( m_unigene, m_filtparam, top_num, uniq_oligo );
// output oligos
if ( uniq_oligo.empty() ) {
cout << "No valid oligo has been found. " << endl <<
"It could be due to one of the following reasons: " << endl <<
"1. input sequences are not unique, or " << endl <<
"2. they are repetitive DNAs, or " << endl <<
"3. GC% range is too restricted, etc. " << endl;
map< string, vector< string > > :: const_iterator m_itr;
for ( m_itr = uniq_oligo.begin(); m_itr != uniq_oligo.end(); m_itr ++ ) {
for ( int o_idx = 0; o_idx < (int)m_itr->second.size(); o_idx ++ ) {
cout << ">unique-oligo-" << o_idx+1 << "-of-unigene-" <<
m_itr->first << endl;
cout << m_itr->second[ o_idx ] << endl;
return 1;
例如,当我尝试如上所述将空字符串(repeat_file)传递给 filtparam() 时,在 python 中,我得到了错误
在方法“new_filt_param”中,类型为“string const &”的参数 5
如何在 python 中声明一个'string const &'类型?