I am trying to return a zip file in django http response, the code goes something like...
archive = shutil.make_archive('testfolder', 'zip', MEDIA_ROOT, 'testfolder')
response = HttpResponse(FileWrapper(open(archive)),
response['Content-Length'] = getsize(archive)
response['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=test %s.zip" % datetime.now()
return response
Now when this code is executed on ubuntu the resulting downloaded file opens without any issue, but when its executed on windows the file created does not open in winzip (gives error 'Unsupported Zip Format').
Is there something very obvious I am missing here? Isn't python code supposed to be portable?
Thanks to J.F. Sebastian for his comment...
There was no problem in creating the archive, it was reading it back into the request. So, the solution is to change second line of my code from,
response = HttpResponse(FileWrapper(open(archive)),
response = HttpResponse(FileWrapper(open(archive, 'rb')), # notice extra 'rb'
checkout, my answer to this question for more details...