Constraints :

  1. O(1) space
  2. O(n) Time

It is not a homework question just a interesting question I came across.

Here are some solutions I could think of but nothing that does it in given constraints.

Method 1

*With O(n) memory *

  • Divide the array in two parts recursively. ( keep dividing till the size <=2 for each sub problem )
  • Sort each sub problem with array first and numbers at end.
  • Merge the sub problem arrays

Method 2

In O(n log n) time

  • Sort the array based Lexicographical order it becomes 1234abcd
  • Reverse both halves of array 4321dcba
  • Reverse the whole string abcd1234

Method 3

If range of numbers was defined

Also if the case was that numbers are in a specific range then I can initialize a int say track= 0; And set the appropriate bit when I come across a number in array eg (1 << a[2] ) . 1. Swap alphabets to first half of array 2. Mark numbers in track variable 3. later use track to fill in second half of array.

Method 4 We can use Method 3 with HashMap if we want to remove the constraint of range of integers but then it will need more memory.

Cannot think of a better way to solve the generic problem in O(1) time and O(n) space.

Generic Problem here refers to:

Given a sequence x1y1x2y2x3y3....xnyn where x1 , x2 are alphabets x1 < x2 <.... < xn and y1y2...yn are integers . y1 < y2 <.... < yn Arrange the output as x1x2...xny1y2...yn

Any suggestions ?


4 回答 4




无论如何,您必须将结构视为 k 维数组,其中 k = lg n。数组的卷积是当您将索引 i 处的值“移动”到索引 i 按位旋转时得到的结果。在这种情况下,我们希望将索引向右旋转 1 位。这意味着卷积是一个最大循环长度为 k 的排列。诀窍是从每个循环中选择一个索引——这将始终包括 0 和 n-1。


于 2012-10-02T02:52:01.710 回答

@coder 提到的循环领导算法有效。只需确保将数组拆分为 (3^n + 1) 的大小。应用循环领导算法,然后合并它们。

于 2021-06-09T09:59:18.630 回答


  1. 第一个(索引 0)和最后一个(索引 n-1)不动。
  2. 总移动次数为 (n - 2)
  3. 源中的偶数元素是字母。他们进入上半场。

    target = j/2 // n 是偶数

  4. 源中的奇数元素是数字,它们移动到后半部分。

    目标 = n/2 + 楼层(j/2)

  5. 从第一个元素开始,将其移动到其目标位置。

  6. 将您在目标位置找到的内容移动到其目的地,依此类推,直到形成一个循环。注 1:有时,循环不包括列表中的所有元素,因此,继续 j + 2 注 2:有时,在一个循环结束时,会得到所需的解决方案,但如果我们继续,数组会再次被打乱。要解决此问题,请计算发生的移动次数,并在达到 n - 2 时停止。

您可以尝试运行代码,在此处克隆和编辑 Online Java Compiler IDE

int maxShifts = n - 2; // This is required to fix going around and messing up.
int shifts = 0;

for (int i = 1; i < n && shifts < maxShifts; i+=2) {
  int source = i;
  char itemToMove = array[source];
  do {
    int target;
    if (source % 2 == 0) {
      target = source / 2; // Even index is an alphabet
    } else {
      target = n/2 + source/2; // Odd index is a digit, that goes in the second half
    char tmp = array[target];
    array[target] = itemToMove;
    itemToMove = tmp;

    source = target;

  } while (i != source /*&& shifts < maxShifts*/); // Full cycle reached

于 2016-04-09T07:43:51.687 回答

这是我在 O(n) 中的算法。

无效的cycle_leader(int *arr,int n){

for (int i = 1; i < n / 2; i+= 2)
    int j = i;
    int save;
    int tmp = arr[i];

        if (j & 1) //odd index element
            j = n / 2 + j / 2;
            j = j / 2;

        save = arr[j];
        arr[j] = tmp;
        tmp = save;
    } while(j != i);


于 2014-05-10T03:41:49.930 回答