2)返回参考const string&
包含的当前值的对象的引用......此引用在以下时间保持有效......它继续包含该时间的以下子集的相同值...... ”)。如果调用者不需要副本,则该函数很快。该类的实现几乎被限制为始终将该字符串存储为string
别名可能很快(如果它避免复制)但很复杂(因为引用可以更改或消失),因此返回引用的函数可能很快但很复杂。此外,(1) 是“返回对象属性的 getter”,而 (2) 是“返回对象私有成员的 getter”。所以如果吸气剂是邪恶的,那么(2)比(1)更邪恶。
I would generally return the reference if the getter is essentially there as a hack for other tightly-coupled classes to get at the data, or if the class has very obvious semantics for when it will change, for example "never during the lifetime of the object", or if the string is expected to be so huge that it's reasonable to expose it by reference simply because taking a copy of it should be rare and so callers will be expecting view behavior rather than value behavior. I'd probably return the value if the interface is supposed to be compatible-forever, just to be safe, unless the class I'm writing is explicitly designed as "a thing that holds a big string and does X for you whilst still letting you see the string".