C++ 中没有。它只是operator[]
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
template< int n >
int& dummy() { static int elem = n; return elem; }
struct Mat1
int operator() ( int const x, int const y ) const
{ return dummy<1>(); }
int& operator() ( int const x, int const y )
{ return dummy<1>(); }
Mat1( int, int ) {}
struct Mat2
int at( int const x, int const y ) const
{ return dummy<2>(); }
int& at( int const x, int const y )
{ return dummy<2>(); }
Mat2( int, int ) {}
struct Mat3
struct At { At( int x, int y ) {} };
int operator[]( At const i ) const
{ return dummy<3>(); }
int& operator[]( At const i )
{ return dummy<3>(); }
Mat3( int, int ) {}
class Mat4
int get( int const x, int const y ) const
{ return dummy<4>(); }
void set( int const x, int const y, int const v ) {}
class AssignmentProxy
Mat4* pMat_;
int x_;
int y_;
void operator=( int const v ) const
{ pMat_->set( x_, y_, v ); }
int value() const { return pMat_->get( x_, y_ ); }
operator int () const { return value(); }
AssignmentProxy( Mat4& mat, int const x, int const y )
: pMat_( &mat ), x_( x ), y_( y )
int operator()( int const x, int const y ) const
{ return get( x, y ); }
AssignmentProxy operator()( int const x, int const y )
{ return AssignmentProxy( *this, x, y ); }
Mat4( int, int ) {}
class Mat5
int at( int const x, int const y ) const
{ return dummy<4>(); }
int& at( int const x, int const y )
{ return dummy<5>(); }
class RowReadAccess
Mat5 const* pMat_;
int y_;
int operator[]( int const x ) const
return pMat_->at( x, y_ );
RowReadAccess( Mat5 const& m, int const y )
: pMat_( &m ), y_( y )
class RowRWAccess
Mat5* pMat_;
int y_;
int operator[]( int const x ) const
return pMat_->at( x, y_ );
int& operator[]( int const x )
return pMat_->at( x, y_ );
RowRWAccess( Mat5& m, int const y )
: pMat_( &m ), y_( y )
RowReadAccess operator[]( int const y ) const
{ return RowReadAccess( *this, y ); }
RowRWAccess operator[]( int const y )
{ return RowRWAccess( *this, y ); }
Mat5( int, int ) {}
struct Mat6
std::vector<int> elems_;
int width_;
int height_;
int indexFor( int const x, int const y ) const
return y*width_ + x;
int const* operator[]( int const y ) const
return &elems_[indexFor( 0, y )];
int* operator[]( int const y )
return &elems_[indexFor( 0, y )];
Mat6( int const w, int const h )
: elems_( w*h, 6 ), width_( w ), height_( h )
int main()
using namespace std;
enum{ w = 1024, h = 1024 };
typedef Mat3::At At;
Mat1 m1( w, h );
Mat2 m2( w, h );
Mat3 m3( w, h );
Mat4 m4( w, h );
Mat5 m5( w, h );
Mat6 m6( w, h );
<< m1( 100, 200 ) // No fuss simple, but exposes element ref.
<< m2.at( 100, 200 ) // For those who don't like operators.
<< m3[At( 100, 200)] // If you really want square brackets mnemonic.
<< m4( 100, 200 ) // Hides element ref by using assignment proxy.
<< m5[200][100] // Ditto but with square brackets (more complex).
<< m6[200][100] // The minimum fuss square brackets, exposes elem ref.
<< endl;
. 所以这种方法真的很复杂。我不会这样做(Mat1