我直接从适用于 .NET 的 WindowsAPI 包(包装器)获得 TaskDialog 源,但是每当我尝试直接在程序的静态 void Main() 区域中打开 TaskDialog 时,它都会引发 EntryPointNotFoundException。然而,TaskDialog 稍后会在我的代码中生成并显示得非常好。这是为什么?
引发 EntryPointNotFoundException 的代码是
/// <summary>
/// TaskDialogIndirect taken from commctl.h
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pTaskConfig">All the parameters about the Task Dialog to Show.</param>
/// <param name="pnButton">The push button pressed.</param>
/// <param name="pnRadioButton">The radio button that was selected.</param>
/// <param name="pfVerificationFlagChecked">The state of the verification checkbox on dismiss of the Task Dialog.</param>
[DllImport("ComCtl32", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, PreserveSig = false)]
internal static extern void TaskDialogIndirect(
[In] ref TASKDIALOGCONFIG pTaskConfig,
[Out] out int pnButton,
[Out] out int pnRadioButton,
[Out] out bool pfVerificationFlagChecked);
var taskDialog = new TaskDialog();
taskDialog.WindowTitle = ".NET Update Notification";
taskDialog.MainInstruction = "";
taskDialog.MainIcon = TaskDialogIcon.Error;
taskDialog.EnableHyperlinks = true;
taskDialog.Content =
"Your .NET Framework Version is out-of-date.\nPlease see <a href=\"***********\">the forums</a> for more info.\n\nSorry, but I can't continue without it.\n\n If you had the correct install this message wouldn't appear.";
taskDialog.Callback =
new TaskDialogCallback((ActiveTaskDialog _taskDialog, TaskDialogNotificationArgs _args, object _callbackData) =>
if (_args.Notification == TaskDialogNotification.HyperlinkClicked)
return false;
var doItButton = new TaskDialogButton();
doItButton.ButtonId = 101;
doItButton.ButtonText = "Quit";
taskDialog.Buttons = new TaskDialogButton[] { doItButton };
int result = taskDialog.Show(null);
* Handles the error message regarding ComCtl32.dll not being found.
* In the event of the beautiful TaskDialog above (which uses ComCtl32.dll)
* cannot be opened, fall back to an ugly as **** MessageBox with a '?' Help
* button in the title bar -.-
catch (EntryPointNotFoundException)
"Your .NET Framework Version is out-of-date.\nTo find out how to get .NET 4.0 simply visit the forums at *********.\n\nSorry, but I can't continue without it :(",
".NET Update Notification", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
谢谢你的时间 :)