是否可以在 Google 图表 api 中更改点颜色,如下所示:
尝试查看由 asgallant在这里创建的这个jsFiddle 示例
“ API 中不支持使同一系列中的线条和数据点具有不同的颜色。不过,您可以通过使用 DataView 来伪造您想要的东西,您的数据在两列中重复。将第一个系列设为“黑色” ' 和第二个颜色为 '红色' 的 lineWidth = 0 和 pointSize > 0。”
var options = {
title: 'Load vs Length',
titlePosition: 'out',
legend: {
position: 'none'
hAxis: {
title: 'Length (inch)',
viewWindow: {
min: 0
format: '#.000'
vAxis: {
title: 'Load (pound)',
viewWindow: {
min: 0
series: { //Create 2 separate series to fake what you want. One for the line and one for the points
0: {
color: 'black',
lineWidth: 2
1: {
color: 'red',
lineWidth: 0,
pointSize: 5
谢谢您的建议。但是,系列 1 对我不起作用:按照代码,打印蓝色线但不显示点。如果我切换 1 和 0。然后它会以红色显示点,但没有线。之前而不是系列,我只有 pointSize: 4,就在 hAxis 之后。这有效,除了相同颜色的点和线。
{title: 'progress',
vAxis: {
title: 'Grade',
titleTextStyle: {color: 'red'},
gridlines: {count: 7},
viewWindow: { min: 0,
max: 100,
valueLabelsInterval: 20}
hAxis: {
title: 'Q date',
titleTextStyle: {color: 'red'},
slantedText: true
series: {
0: {lineWidth: 2},
1: {
color: 'red',
lineWidth: 0,
pointSize: 4
var data_timeline = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data_timeline.addColumn('string', 'Year'); // Implicit domain label col.
data_timeline.addColumn('number', 'Students'); // Implicit series 1 data col.
data_timeline.addColumn({type:'string', role:'annotation'}); // annotation role col.
data_timeline.addColumn({type:'string', role:'style'}); // style col.
['2010-2011', 85, '85', 'point { size: 7; shape-type: diamond; fill-color: #005b82; }'],
['2011-2012', 67, '67', 'point { size: 7; shape-type: diamond; fill-color: #005b82; }'],
['2012-2013', 34, '34', 'point { size: 7; shape-type: diamond; fill-color: #005b82; }'],
var options_timeline = {
hAxis: { textStyle: { color: '#444444'} },
vAxis: { baselineColor: '#cccccc', textPosition: 'none', minValue: 0 },
legend: {position: 'none'},
lineWidth: 3,
pointsVisible: true,
colors: ['#b7c72a'],
var chart_timeline = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('chart_timeline'));
chart_timeline.draw(data_timeline, options_timeline);