我正在从一个 1bpp 位图复制到一个较小的 1bpp 位图。我只想剪掉一个区域,这样我就可以计算黑色像素的数量。
private Bitmap Copy(Bitmap srcBitmap, Rectangle section)
BitmapData SourceLockedData;
BitmapData DestLockedData;
Rectangle DestRect;
byte[] SrcImageData;
byte[] DestImageData;
int ByteCount;
int WidthCount = 0;
int CurrentLine = 0;
int DestStride;
int SrcStride = 0;
// Create the new bitmap and associated graphics object
Bitmap Newbmp = new Bitmap(section.Width, section.Height, PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed);
Newbmp.SetResolution(srcBitmap.HorizontalResolution, srcBitmap.VerticalResolution);
//Lock the bits
SourceLockedData = srcBitmap.LockBits(section, ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed);
SrcStride = SourceLockedData.Stride;
//Get a count of the number of bytes to copy. Remember, bytes are not pixels.
ByteCount = SourceLockedData.Stride * SourceLockedData.Height;
//Initialize the source byte array
SrcImageData = new byte[ByteCount];
//Copy the data to the source byte array
Marshal.Copy(SourceLockedData.Scan0, SrcImageData, 0, ByteCount);
//Unlock the bits
//Set a rectangle to the size of the New bitmap
DestRect = new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), Newbmp.Size);
//Lock the bits
DestLockedData = Newbmp.LockBits(DestRect, ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed);
DestStride = DestLockedData.Stride;
//Get a count of the number of bytes to copy. Remember, bytes are not pixels.
ByteCount = DestLockedData.Stride * DestLockedData.Height;
//Initialize the source byte array
DestImageData = new byte[ByteCount];
//Copy the data to the destination byte array
Marshal.Copy(DestLockedData.Scan0, DestImageData, 0, ByteCount);
//Unlock for now
for (int ArrayIndex = 0; ArrayIndex < ByteCount; ArrayIndex++)
if (WidthCount == Newbmp.Width)
//increment the line and push the index by the stride
ArrayIndex = (++CurrentLine) * DestStride;
DestImageData[ArrayIndex] = SrcImageData[ArrayIndex];
//Lock the bits again
DestLockedData = Newbmp.LockBits(DestRect, ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed);
//Copy data from byte array to IntPtr
Marshal.Copy(DestImageData, 0, DestLockedData.Scan0, ByteCount);
//Unlock bits
// Return the bitmap
return Newbmp;
我遇到的最大问题是 SourceLockedData.Stride 和 DestLockedData.Stride 都小于各自图像的宽度。这个怎么可能?从我所知道的关于步幅的所有信息中,它是从一条数据扫描线到下一条数据扫描线的位数。这在数学上怎么可能小于宽度?
我是否使用了 LockBits 或 BitmapData 错误?BitmapData 不能被信任吗?我应该手动计算步幅吗?