我一直在努力弄清楚为什么以下“小提琴”在 Internet Explorer 7 和 8 下呈现如此糟糕:


互联网浏览器 9

互联网浏览器 9

Internet Explorer 7 和 8

Internet Explorer 7 和 Internet Explorer 8

在 Internet Explorer 9 下,字体渲染得很好(几乎与在 Chrome 和 Firefox 下相同)。然而,在 Internet Explorer 7 和 8 下,渲染简直太糟糕了。有什么方法可以在不更改字体(Raleway)的情况下修复这些浏览器下的这种行为?


1 回答 1


IE is just poor at rendering fonts (poor with most things to be honest). However usually it is really bad when there is Opacity in play, I can see in your fiddle you aren't using opacity, but you are using the font's weight.

try using px instead of em and try not to set the weight of the font

Hope that helps

于 2012-09-26T13:17:01.770 回答