Is it possible to use Downhill Simplex Method for template matching?Let's say I have 40 landmarks on the edges of an object and I have pixel intesities of normal vectors on these landmarks and I want to use Downhill Simplex Method for strecthing the template I have with iterations after each iteration i will check mean square of errors of the pixels I have in the template object and image I am working on?Anyone got an idea?Thanks


1 回答 1


你的问题的答案是肯定的。但是均方误差并没有给你最好的解决方案,我建议改用马氏距离。更多详细信息请参见以下参考资料:F. Arambula Cosio、J. Marquez Flores 和 M. Padilla Castañeda。在活动形状模型中使用单纯形搜索来改进边界分割。模式识别快报,31:806—817,2010。

于 2013-04-12T05:48:27.697 回答