我正在更新一个 python 脚本,该脚本检查 IMAP 是否有新电子邮件,如果有新电子邮件则发送推送通知。问题是每隔几个小时我就会崩溃。起初我无法真正理解发生了什么,但后来我发现M.debug = 4这给了我一个很好的输出,但我仍然不明白是什么导致了问题。我已经发布了我的脚本和从正常行为到崩溃的调试输出,希望对 python 有更好理解的人可以告诉我发生了什么以及如何修复它。



while True:
      [call function that does all your logic]
    except imaplib2.IMAP4.abort:
      print("Disconnected.  Trying again.")


    while True:
          [call function that does all your logic]
except (imaplib2.IMAP4.abort, imaplib2.IMAP4.error) as e: 
      print("Disconnected.  Trying again.")

但是在一段不确定的时间之后我仍然会崩溃,并且永远不会捕获异常。print("Disconnected. Trying again.")永远不会执行。


    print "Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n";

    import socket, ssl, json, struct, re
    import imaplib2, time
    from threading import *

    # enter gmail login details here
    # enter device token here
    deviceToken = 'my device token x x x x x'
    deviceToken = deviceToken.replace(' ','').decode('hex')
    currentBadgeNum = -1

    def getUnseen():
        (resp, data) = M.status("INBOX", '(UNSEEN)')
        print data
        return int(re.findall("UNSEEN (\d)*\)", data[0])[0])    

    def sendPushNotification(badgeNum):
        global currentBadgeNum, deviceToken
        if badgeNum != currentBadgeNum:
            currentBadgeNum = badgeNum
            thePayLoad = {
                 'aps': {
                      'alert':'Hello world!',
                      'badge': badgeNum,
                 'test_data': { 'foo': 'bar' },
            theCertfile = 'certif.pem'
            theHost = ('gateway.push.apple.com', 2195)

            data = json.dumps(thePayLoad)
            theFormat = '!BH32sH%ds' % len(data)
            theNotification = struct.pack(theFormat, 0, 32, deviceToken, len(data), data)

            ssl_sock = ssl.wrap_socket(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM), certfile=theCertfile)
            print "Sent Push alert."

    # This is the threading object that does all the waiting on 
    # the event
    class Idler(object):
        def __init__(self, conn):
            self.thread = Thread(target=self.idle)
            self.M = conn
            self.event = Event()

        def start(self):

        def stop(self):
            # This is a neat trick to make thread end. Took me a 
            # while to figure that one out!

        def join(self):

        def idle(self):
            # Starting an unending loop here
            while True:
                # This is part of the trick to make the loop stop 
                # when the stop() command is given
                if self.event.isSet():
                self.needsync = False
                # A callback method that gets called when a new 
                # email arrives. Very basic, but that's good.
                def callback(args):
                    if not self.event.isSet():
                        self.needsync = True
                # Do the actual idle call. This returns immediately, 
                # since it's asynchronous.
                # This waits until the event is set. The event is 
                # set by the callback, when the server 'answers' 
                # the idle call and the callback function gets 
                # called.
                # Because the function sets the needsync variable,
                # this helps escape the loop without doing 
                # anything if the stop() is called. Kinda neat 
                # solution.
                if self.needsync:

        # The method that gets called when a new email arrives. 
        # Replace it with something better.
        def dosync(self):
            print "Got an event!"
            numUnseen = getUnseen()

    # Had to do this stuff in a try-finally, since some testing 
    # went a little wrong.....
while True:
        # Set the following two lines to your creds and server
        M = imaplib2.IMAP4_SSL("imap.gmail.com")
        M.login(USER, PASSWORD)
        M.debug = 4
        # We need to get out of the AUTH state, so we just select 
        # the INBOX.
        numUnseen = getUnseen()

        typ, data = M.fetch(1, '(RFC822)')
        raw_email = data[0][1]

        import email
        email_message = email.message_from_string(raw_email)
        print email_message['Subject']

        #print M.status("INBOX", '(UNSEEN)')
        # Start the Idler thread
        idler = Idler(M)

        # Sleep forever, one minute at a time
        while True:
    except imaplib2.IMAP4.abort:
      print("Disconnected.  Trying again.")   
        # Clean up.
        #idler.stop() #Commented out to see the real error
        #idler.join() #Commented out to see the real error
        #M.close()    #Commented out to see the real error
        # This is important!


  43:54.43 imap.gmail.com handler _request_pop(continuation, (True, 'idling')) = CHPJ127
  43:54.43 imap.gmail.com handler None:CHPJ127.ready.set
  43:54.43 Thread-4 continuation => True, idling
  43:54.43 Thread-4 server IDLE started, timeout in 1740.00 secs
  43:54.43 Thread-4 state_change_pending.release
  57:13.60 imap.gmail.com reader < * BYE System error\r\n
  57:13.63 imap.gmail.com handler server IDLE finished
  57:13.63 imap.gmail.com handler BYE response: System error
  57:13.63 imap.gmail.com writer > DONE\r\n
  **57:13.63 imap.gmail.com handler terminating: 'connection terminated'**
  57:13.63 imap.gmail.com writer finished
  57:13.63 imap.gmail.com handler last 20 log messages:
  51:49.77 Thread-4 [sync] IDLE ()
  20:50.18 Thread-4 [async] STATUS ('INBOX', '(UNSEEN)')
  20:50.51 Thread-4 [sync] IDLE ()
  49:50.79 Thread-4 [async] STATUS ('INBOX', '(UNSEEN)')
  49:51.02 Thread-4 [sync] IDLE ()
  18:51.33 Thread-4 [async] STATUS ('INBOX', '(UNSEEN)')
  18:51.49 Thread-4 [sync] IDLE ()
  47:51.80 Thread-4 [async] STATUS ('INBOX', '(UNSEEN)')
  47:51.96 Thread-4 [sync] IDLE ()
  16:52.26 Thread-4 [async] STATUS ('INBOX', '(UNSEEN)')
  16:52.63 Thread-4 [sync] IDLE ()
  45:53.08 Thread-4 [async] STATUS ('INBOX', '(UNSEEN)')
  45:53.24 Thread-4 [sync] IDLE ()
  14:53.54 Thread-4 [async] STATUS ('INBOX', '(UNSEEN)')
  14:53.69 Thread-4 [sync] IDLE ()
  43:53.96 Thread-4 [async] STATUS ('INBOX', '(UNSEEN)')
  43:54.17 Thread-4 [sync] IDLE ()
  57:13.63 imap.gmail.com handler BYE response: System error
  57:13.63 imap.gmail.com handler terminating: 'connection terminated'
  57:13.63 imap.gmail.com writer finished
Got an event!
  57:13.63 imap.gmail.com handler state_change_free.set
  57:13.63 Thread-4 [async] STATUS ('INBOX', '(UNSEEN)')
  57:13.63 imap.gmail.com handler finished
  57:13.63 Thread-4 state_change_pending.acquire
  57:13.63 Thread-4 state_change_pending.release
Exception in thread Thread-4:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 551, in __bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 504, in run
    self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
  File "shaserver.py", line 111, in idle
  File "shaserver.py", line 117, in dosync
    numUnseen = getUnseen()
  File "shaserver.py", line 35, in getUnseen
    (resp, data) = M.status("INBOX", '(UNSEEN)')
  File "/home/boombe/lib/python2.7/imaplib2/imaplib2.py", line 1121, in status
    return self._simple_command(name, mailbox, names, **kw)
  File "/home/boombe/lib/python2.7/imaplib2/imaplib2.py", line 1607, in _simple_command
    return self._command_complete(self._command(name, *args), kw)
  File "/home/boombe/lib/python2.7/imaplib2/imaplib2.py", line 1295, in _command
  File "/home/boombe/lib/python2.7/imaplib2/imaplib2.py", line 1229, in _check_bye
    raise self.abort(bye[-1])
abort: System error

  57:13.70 imap.gmail.com reader finished



03:09.29 Thread-4 [sync] IDLE ()
  05:53.25 imap.gmail.com reader socket error: <type 'exceptions.IOError'> - Error Hang up
  05:53.25 imap.gmail.com reader finished
  05:53.26 imap.gmail.com handler terminating: "socket error: <type 'exceptions.IOError'> - Error Hang up"
  05:53.26 imap.gmail.com handler last 20 log messages:
  07:07.66 Thread-4 [sync] IDLE ()
  36:07.78 Thread-4 [async] STATUS ('INBOX', '(UNSEEN)')
  36:07.83 Thread-4 [async] SEARCH ('ALL',)
  36:07.88 Thread-4 [async] FETCH ('1', '(RFC822.HEADER)')
  36:08.09 Thread-4 [sync] IDLE ()
  05:08.19 Thread-4 [async] STATUS ('INBOX', '(UNSEEN)')
  05:08.25 Thread-4 [async] SEARCH ('ALL',)
  05:08.42 Thread-4 [async] FETCH ('1', '(RFC822.HEADER)')
  05:08.48 Thread-4 [sync] IDLE ()
  34:08.58 Thread-4 [async] STATUS ('INBOX', '(UNSEEN)')
  34:08.68 Thread-4 [async] SEARCH ('ALL',)
  34:08.79 Thread-4 [async] FETCH ('1', '(RFC822.HEADER)')
  34:08.94 Thread-4 [sync] IDLE ()
  03:09.05 Thread-4 [async] STATUS ('INBOX', '(UNSEEN)')
  03:09.16 Thread-4 [async] SEARCH ('ALL',)
  03:09.21 Thread-4 [async] FETCH ('1', '(RFC822.HEADER)')
  03:09.29 Thread-4 [sync] IDLE ()
  05:53.25 imap.gmail.com reader socket error: <type 'exceptions.IOError'> - Error Hang up
  05:53.25 imap.gmail.com reader finished
  05:53.26 imap.gmail.com handler terminating: "socket error: <type 'exceptions.IOError'> - Error Hang up"
  05:53.26 imap.gmail.com writer finished
Got an event!
  05:53.26 Thread-4 [async] STATUS ('INBOX', '(UNSEEN)')
  05:53.26 Thread-4 state_change_pending.acquire
  05:53.26 Thread-4 server IDLE finished
  05:53.26 Thread-4 state_change_pending.release
  05:53.26 Thread-4 _get_untagged_response(READ-ONLY) => ['']
  05:53.26 imap.gmail.com handler state_change_free.set
  05:53.26 imap.gmail.com handler finished
Exception in thread Thread-4:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 551, in __bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 504, in run
    self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
  File "shaserver.py", line 229, in idle
  File "shaserver.py", line 235, in dosync
    numUnseen = getUnseen()
  File "shaserver.py", line 150, in getUnseen
    (resp, data) = M.status("INBOX", '(UNSEEN)')
  File "/home/boombe/lib/python2.7/imaplib2/imaplib2.py", line 1121, in status
    return self._simple_command(name, mailbox, names, **kw)
  File "/home/boombe/lib/python2.7/imaplib2/imaplib2.py", line 1607, in _simple_command
    return self._command_complete(self._command(name, *args), kw)
  File "/home/boombe/lib/python2.7/imaplib2/imaplib2.py", line 1305, in _command
    raise self.abort('connection closed')
abort: connection closed

3 回答 3



所以这就解释了为什么你的try/except块无效——那是因为你明确要求在另一个线程中执行该代码。还有待解释的是,为什么您首先会遇到异常。一个原因可能是您遇到了通常与IDLE命令相关联的超时——有关详细信息,请参阅RFC 2177(这是一个简短的阅读),它将告诉您应该每 29 分钟中断一次空闲。另一种可能性是 gmail 根本不喜欢你——也许他们不想维持连接时间过长的客户。不过,我没有数据支持这种猜测。

但最重要的问题仍然存在——你为什么要使用线程?作为一个从头开始实现IMAP 客户端的人(顺便说一句,它是多年前在 Python 中开始的),我完全确信不需要线程有效地使用 IMAP。在您的特定用例中,您似乎只为IDLE命令运行一个线程,而将主线程的时间花在一个无休止的wait. 这本身就是我不明白的事情,但也许你有一些重要的原因——也许你真的需要将一些 IMAP 处理卸载到另一个线程。但是,请考虑移动任何在这种情况下,与该线程相关的 IMAP 活动 - 因为现在,您的一个线程正在执行初始SELECT和一些数据获取,并且只有在此之后,它才会将 IMAP 连接传输到另一个线程以用于IDLE. 那只是邪恶的。

对于线程的基本需求——对我来说效果很好的架构是利用 IMAP 协议的异步特性。我不确定它与imaplib2库的配合效果如何,也许它不支持真正的异步 IMAP 处理。在这种情况下,我会强烈考虑以一种简单的阻塞同步方式使用 IMAP,其中每个操作都真正等待命令的完成。是的,其中一些会运行很长时间——如果您在等待IDLE29 分钟后完成某些活动时绝对需要执行某些活动,那么将 IMAP 处理推迟到另一个线程可能是个好主意. 但你应该很确定这是你真正需要的,然后再去。

于 2013-05-27T16:46:52.383 回答


如何在 Thread-4 中捕获异常



try except然后将异常保存在某处(例如在 的属性中)Idler

这个保存的异常在主线程中不断扫描(即每秒左右休眠和唤醒),如果存在,则在主线程中引发以正确处理(即按照 imaplib2 中的说明重新创建 imap 连接图书馆)。



我为什么要推测这个?一旦我实现了BYE imaplib2.abort异常捕获并杀死信号捕获(SIGTERM等),imaplib2.abort异常就完全停止了。

注意:您还可以在我的 github 中找到这两种解决方案的精确实现:https ://www.github.com/Elijas/email-notifier

于 2018-05-03T21:16:44.653 回答

从您的跟踪中,它看起来远程端向您发送了一个未经请求的 BYE 命令,因为它出于某种原因想要关闭连接。

您可能必须使您的脚本更加健壮以处理连接失败和 BYE 命令。


  while True:
      [call function that does all your logic]
    except imaplib2.IMAP4.abort:
      print("Disconnected.  Trying again.")

此外,您将需要更新您的 callback() 以查看它的参数。如果IDLE返回错误,因为你是异步使用的,它会向callback()报告错误。您将需要在那里处理异常。(注意它不会在你的回调中引发错误,只是在参数中返回一个错误。

从 imaplib2s 文档:

If 'callback' is provided then the command is asynchronous, so after
the command is queued for transmission, the call returns immediately
with the tuple (None, None).
The result will be posted by invoking "callback" with one arg, a tuple:
callback((result, cb_arg, None))
or, if there was a problem:
callback((None, cb_arg, (exception class, reason)))


            def callback(args):
                result, arg, exc = args
                if result is None:
                    print("There was an error during IDLE:", str(exc))
                    self.error = exc
                    self.needsync = True

现在您可以检查 Idler 线程中是否有错误。然后在你的主线程中,你一次坐下来永远睡 60 秒,你可以设置某种标志来指示你是否已经断开连接。

于 2013-05-18T13:51:20.783 回答