我想利用 Objectify4 的功能,但是我的应用程序是构建的并且正在使用版本 3。我的应用程序主要构建在该ObjectifyGenericDao模式之上,并且 Objectify4 设计模式与此完全不同:


public class ObjectifyGenericDao<T> extends DAOBase

    static final int BAD_MODIFIERS = Modifier.FINAL | Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.TRANSIENT;

        // Register all your entity classes here

    protected Class<T> clazz;

     * We've got to get the associated domain class somehow
     * @param clazz
    protected ObjectifyGenericDao(Class<T> clazz)
        this.clazz = clazz;

    public ObjectifyGenericDao(ObjectifyOpts opts) {
        //this.clazz = clazz;

    public Key<T> put(T entity)
        return ofy().put(entity);

    // TODO This code was modified
    // and need to be tested
    public List<Key<T>> putAll(Iterable<T> entities)
        Map<Key<T>, T> map = ofy().put(entities);
        return new ArrayList<Key<T>>(map.keySet());
        //return ofy().put(entities);

    public void delete(T entity)

    public void deleteKey(Key<T> entityKey)

    public void deleteAll(Iterable<T> entities)

    public void deleteKeys(Iterable<Key<T>> keys)

    public T get(Long id) throws EntityNotFoundException
        return ofy().get(this.clazz, id);

    public T get(String id) throws EntityNotFoundException
        return ofy().get(this.clazz, id);

    public T get(Key<T> key) throws EntityNotFoundException
        return ofy().get(key);

     * Convenience method to get all objects matching a single property
     * @param propName
     * @param propValue
     * @return T matching Object
    public T getByProperty(String propName, Object propValue)
        Query<T> q = ofy().query(clazz);
        q.filter(propName, propValue);
        return q.get();

    public List<T> listByProperty(String propName, Object propValue)
        Query<T> q = ofy().query(clazz);
        q.filter(propName, propValue);
        return asList(q.fetch());

    public List<Key<T>> listKeysByProperty(String propName, Object propValue)
        Query<T> q = ofy().query(clazz);
        q.filter(propName, propValue);
        return asKeyList(q.fetchKeys());

    public T getByExample(T exampleObj)
        Query<T> queryByExample = buildQueryByExample(exampleObj);
        Iterable<T> iterableResults = queryByExample.fetch();
        Iterator<T> i = iterableResults.iterator();
        T obj = i.next();
        if (i.hasNext())
            throw new RuntimeException("Too many results");
        return obj;

    public List<T> listByExample(T exampleObj)
        Query<T> queryByExample = buildQueryByExample(exampleObj);
        return asList(queryByExample.fetch());

    private List<T> asList(Iterable<T> iterable)
        ArrayList<T> list = new ArrayList<T>();
        for (T t : iterable)
        return list;

    private List<Key<T>> asKeyList(Iterable<Key<T>> iterableKeys)
        ArrayList<Key<T>> keys = new ArrayList<Key<T>>();
        for (Key<T> key : iterableKeys)
        return keys;

    private Query<T> buildQueryByExample(T exampleObj)
        Query<T> q = ofy().query(clazz);

        // Add all non-null properties to query filter
        for (Field field : clazz.getDeclaredFields())
            // Ignore transient, embedded, array, and collection properties
            if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Transient.class)
                || (field.isAnnotationPresent(Embedded.class))
                || (field.getType().isArray())
                || (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType()))
                || ((field.getModifiers() & BAD_MODIFIERS) != 0))


            Object value;
                value = field.get(exampleObj);
            catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
            catch (IllegalAccessException e)
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
            if (value != null)
                q.filter(field.getName(), value);

        return q;

    // Added, but may not be really useful
    public Query<T> query(String filter, String value) {
        Query<T> q = ofy().query(clazz).filter(filter, value);
        return q;


Objectify4 的瓶颈在于它没有 DAOBase,因此迁移现有代码并不容易。

在使用 Objectify4 功能时如何拥有这种模式?


2 回答 2


Objectify Google Group中所述,只需删除extends DAOBase.

于 2012-09-25T16:46:48.423 回答

您可以在此处获取 OfyService 的代码: https ://code.google.com/p/objectify-appengine/wiki/BestPractices 在 ObjectifyGenericDao 添加静态导入,然后您可以使用以下方法:

    public Key<T> save(T entity){
    return ofy().save().entity(entity).now();

public void delete(T entity){

public T get(Long id){
    return ofy().load().type(clazz).id(id).get();

等等 ...

于 2012-09-25T12:00:12.360 回答