由于某种原因,CSS 在 IE9 中突然变得区分大小写。我已经在其他人的计算机上尝试过,并且该站点在 IE9 中显示良好,但在我的机器上它不会显示 CSS,除非情况正确。

我可以将 IE 设置更改为怪癖模式,它会起作用,但它不能解释奇怪的行为。

我尝试将所有 IE 的设置重置为默认值,清除缓存,但无法重新安装。


1 回答 1


Are you in standards mode? Historically IE has been case-insensitive for the class and ID selectors, but I understand IE9 is case-sensitive when in standards mode.

CSS properties and most values are case-insensitive, exceptions being url() where the webserver serving up images might have case-sensitive filenames.

CSS selectors are case-insensitive except for parts outside of CSS, such as #id and .class selectors. For more information see this question: Are CSS selectors case-sensitive?

于 2012-09-24T02:09:27.390 回答