我的回答也是(JSBin DEMO)
var $this = $(this);
// make sure that element is really an image
if (! $this.is('img')) return false;
var isrc = $this[0].src, dv = null;
if (! isrc) return false;
// mouse x position
var initXPos = e.pageX;
var initYPos = e.pageY+20-$(window).scrollTop();
var windowWidth = $(window).width();
var windowHeight = $(window).height();
// load original image
var $img = $('<img/>');
$img.on('load',function(eload) {
var widthImage = this.width;
var heightImage = this.height;
// set inline style for get sizes after (see problems webkit and cache)
var ratio = widthImage/heightImage;
var finalXPos = initXPos+widthImage>windowWidth? windowWidth-widthImage-5 : initXPos;
var finalYPos = initYPos;
var img = this;
// resize image if is bigger than window
if(finalXPos<0) {
finalXPos = 0;
$img.css('width', windowWidth-10);
// If overflow Y
if(finalYPos+getSize($img,'height')>windowHeight) {
// calculate where is more space (top or bottom?)
var showOnTop = (windowHeight-initYPos-10)<windowHeight/2;
if(showOnTop) {
if(initYPos<getSize($img,'height')) {
finalYPos = 0;
finalXPos = initXPos+getSize($img,'width')>windowWidth? windowWidth-getSize($img,'width')-5 : initXPos;
}else {
// show on bottom
if(windowHeight-initYPos<getSize($img,'height')) {
finalXPos = initXPos+getSize($img,'width')>windowWidth? windowWidth-getSize($img,'width')-5 : initXPos;
dv = $('<div />')
.attr('class', '__shidivbox__')
display: 'none',
zIndex : 9999,
position: 'absolute',
MozBorderRadius : '5px',
WebkitBorderRadius : '5px',
borderRadius : '5px',
top: finalYPos+$(window).scrollTop(),
left: finalXPos
// load the original image (now is the same, but I think is better optimize it)
function getSize($el,widthOrHeight) {
// horrible but working trick :)
return +$el.css(widthOrHeight).replace("px","");
此脚本使图像适应窗口大小并在需要时调整 x 位置。