I would like a hostname like mycomp.net and be assigned through DNS of the router to go to an internal ip address.

The end result should be people within the network can use that hostname to connect to the internal server, and outsiders cannont


2 回答 2


For the computer that is running it, simply use the host file. Could do the same for others if there is only a handful...

For the other computers re the router, it will depend on the router you have or the firewall depeding on setup. Can you please advise...

Ps. I do this with pfsesnse but not sure if you can/do run this....

Note: host file sits: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc


于 2012-09-23T00:53:52.403 回答

如果您使用安装了 DD-WRT 的路由器,您可以使用服务选项卡中的 DHCP 服务器选项来设置基于 MAC 地址的主机名。结合“LAN Domain”选项,这允许您通过 my_computer.my_domain.local 访问机器

如果您没有使用安装了 DD-WRT 的路由器,您应该尝试一下。

于 2012-09-23T01:01:48.503 回答