我不知道出了什么问题。我想输入 WORD 大小的字符串并将一个整数添加到字符串的输入值并重新打印结果。我不太确定算术运算,因为这是我第一次在单个程序中使用许多运算,它们是 16 位的。
clr macro
mov ax, 03h
int 10h
cseg segment para 'code'
assume cs:cseg; ds:cseg; ss:cseg; es:cseg
org 100h
start: jmp begin
amount_s label word
amount_max dw 3
amount_length dw ?
amount_field dw 3 dup (?)
x1 dw 0
x2 dw 0
sum1 dw 0
sum2 dw 0
bal dw 10
begin: clr
mov ah, 0Ah ;input string
lea dx, amount_s
mov cx, amount_length
lea si, amount_field
int 21h
mov ax, [si] ;copy si to ax
sub ax, 30h ;converts value of ax to integer
mov bx, 10 ;copy 10 to bx
mul bx ;multiply it ax by bx
mov x1, ax ; copy ax to x1
inc si ;move si pointer by 1
mov ax, [si] ;copy si to ax
sub ax, 30h ;converts value of ax to integer
mov x2, ax ; copy ax to x2
add ax, x1 ;add ax which is x2 by x1
add ax, bal ; add ax by bal which is 10
mov sum1, ax ;copy the result to sum1
mov dx, 0 ; copy 0 to dx
mov bx, 10 ; copy 10 to bx
div bx ;divides ax by bx
mov sum1, ax ; copy quotient to sum1
mov sum2, dx ; copy remainder to sum2
add sum1, 30h ;convert for printing
add sum2, 30h ;convert for printing
mov ah, 02h ;prints sum1
mov dx, sum1
int 21h
mov ah, 02h ;prints sum2
mov dx, sum2
int 21h
int 20h
cseg ends
end start