
public partial class Form1 : Form
    static int column = 2;
    static int row = 100;
    System.Windows.Forms.TextBox[,] textbox = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox[column, row];

    delegate void StringParameterDelegate(int j, string value);
    DisplayTimer displayTimer = new DisplayTimer();
    System.Threading.TimerCallback displayCallback;
    System.Threading.Timer displayTimerThread;

    public Form1()

             //set the array for name and update time 

        for (int k = 0; k < column; k++)
            for (int j = 0; j < row; j++)
                textbox[k, j] = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
                textbox[k, j].Size = new Size(160, 18);
                textbox[k, j].Name = "textbox_" + k + "_" + j;

                if (j >= 100)
                    textbox[k, j].Location = new System.Drawing.Point((k * 160) + 20, (j * 18) + 30);

                textbox[k, j].Visible = true;
                Controls.Add(textbox[k, j]);

        displayCallback = new System.Threading.TimerCallback(timeDisplay);
        displayTimerThread = new System.Threading.Timer(displayCallback, displayTimer, 3000, 3000);
                // more code

    public void timeDisplay(object timerObject)
        DisplayTimer t = (DisplayTimer)timerObject;  

        for (int j = 0; j < t.row; j++)
            string value = t.outputTime[j].ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.fff");
            writeToTextBox(j, value);

    public void writeToTextBox(int j, string value)
        if (InvokeRequired)
            BeginInvoke(new StringParameterDelegate(writeToTextBox), new object[] { j, value });
        // Must be on the UI thread if we've got this far
        textbox[1, j].Text = value;

现在上面的代码运行良好,没有发生错误。但是我的程序中有 3 个表单使用相同的方法 timeDisplay 和 writeToTextBox,我必须在表单中复制代码 3 次。我试图重构这两种方法并将其放入一个新类中。我的 writeToTextBox 方法出现以下错误。

错误 1 ​​当前上下文中不存在名称“InvokeRequired”

错误 2 当前上下文中不存在名称“BeginInvoke”

错误 3 当前上下文中不存在名称“文本框”



class DisplayTimer
    public int numberOfRow = 0;
    public int column = 0;
    public DateTime[] outputTime;
    public System.Windows.Forms.TextBox[,] textbox;
    delegate void StringParameterDelegate(TextBox textbox, string value);

    public void timeDisplay(object timerObject)
        DisplayTimer t = (DisplayTimer)timerObject;

        for (int j = 0; j < t.numberOfRow; j++)
            string value = t.outputTime[j].ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.fff");

            if (value != "0001/01/01 00:00:00.000")
                writeToTextBox(textbox[column, j], value);

    public void writeToTextBox(TextBox textbox, string value)
        if (textbox.InvokeRequired)
            textbox.BeginInvoke(new StringParameterDelegate(writeToTextBox), new object[] { textbox, value });
        // Must be on the UI thread if we've got this far
        textbox.Text = value;

2 回答 2



public void writeToTextBox(int j, string value, TextBox[,] textBoxes)
    TextBox textBox = textBoxes[1, j];
    if (textBox.InvokeRequired)
        textBox.BeginInvoke(new StringParameterDelegate(writeToTextBox), new object[] { j, value, textBoxes });
    // Must be on the UI thread if we've got this far
    textBox.Text = value;
于 2012-09-18T16:25:38.220 回答

InvokeRequired 和 BeginInvoke 需要适当的命名空间(使用...)。

textbox 是 Forms 类的变量,需要传递到您的新类中。

于 2012-09-18T16:25:40.980 回答