(def {:a 1, :b 2, :c 3}, i try to change it to be {:a 1, :b 99, :c 3},
看看奎尔。 https://github.com/quil/quil
它基于 Processing http://processing.org并且很容易上手。
(ns foo
(:use quil.core))
(defn setup []
(smooth) ;;Turn on anti-aliasing
(frame-rate 10) ;;Set framerate to 10 FPS
(background 200)) ;;Set the background colour to
;; a nice shade of grey.
(defn draw []
(stroke 0) ;;Set the stroke colour to a black
(stroke-weight 3) ;;Set the stroke thickness to 3
(line 10 10 50 50)
(line 20 20 100 50))
(defsketch example ;;Define a new sketch named example
:title "foo" ;;Set the title of the sketch
:setup setup ;;Specify the setup fn
:draw draw ;;Specify the draw fn
:size [323 200])