由于您使用的是模板,所以我认为您关于防止除 Derived 以外的任何类从 Base 到子类的问题的最后一部分可以使用适当的部分专业化来完成。
以下代码片段是我想出的,但所需的复杂性只会加强 jalf 的答案。这值得么?如果这比制定我在实践中使用的技术更能帮助我理解部分专业化的话。
我使用 COMMON 表示 Base 和 Derived 之间的共享模板参数,并使用 EXTRA 表示您所说的 Derived 具有的额外参数。这些的实际数量可能是我碰巧为它们分别选择了一个和两个。
// Forward declaration of class Derived
template< class COMMON
, class EXTRA1
, class EXTRA2 >
class Derived;
// Definition of general class template Base
template< class SUBCLASS
, class COMMON >
class Base
Base() {}
// Definition of partial specialisation of template class Base to open up
// access to the constructor through friend declaration.
template< class COMMON
, class EXTRA1
, class EXTRA2 >
class Base< Derived< COMMON, EXTRA1, EXTRA2 >
Base() {}
friend class Derived< COMMON, EXTRA1, EXTRA2 >;
// Definition of class Derived
template < class COMMON
, class EXTRA1
, class EXTRA2 >
class Derived
: public Base< Derived< COMMON, EXTRA1, EXTRA2 >
static Derived* create() { return new Derived; }
Derived() : Base< Derived< COMMON, EXTRA1, EXTRA2 >
, COMMON >()
// Definition of class HonestDerived.
// It supplies itself as the SUBCLASS parameter to Base.
template < class COMMON
, class EXTRA1
, class EXTRA2 >
class HonestDerived
: public Base< HonestDerived< COMMON, EXTRA1, EXTRA2 >
HonestDerived() : Base< HonestDerived< COMMON, EXTRA1, EXTRA2 >
, COMMON >()
// Definition of class DishonestDerived
// It supplies Derived rather than itself as the SUBCLASS parameter to Base.
template < class COMMON
, class EXTRA1
, class EXTRA2 >
class DishonestDerived
: public Base< Derived< COMMON, EXTRA1, EXTRA2 >
DishonestDerived() : Base< Derived< COMMON, EXTRA1, EXTRA2 >
, COMMON >()
template< class COMMON, class EXTRA1, class EXTRA2 >
class DerivedFromDerived
: public Derived< COMMON, EXTRA1, EXTRA2 >
DerivedFromDerived() : Derived< COMMON, EXTRA1, EXTRA2 >()
// Test partial specialisation gives Derived access to the Base constructor
Derived< int, float, double >* derived
= Derived< int, float, double >::create();
// Test that there is no access to the Base constructor for an honest subclass
// i.e. this gives a compiler error
HonestDerived< int, float, double > honestDerived;
// Test that there is no access to the Base constructor for a dishonest subclass
// i.e. this gives a compiler error
DishonestDerived< int, float, double > dishonestDerived;
// Test that there is no access to the Derived constructor
// i.e. this gives a compiler error
DerivedFromDerived< int, float, double > derivedFromDerived;
此代码已使用 gcc 4.3.2 进行了测试。
请注意,友元声明的替代方法是使构造函数在 Base 的部分特化中受到保护,但这样会允许像 DishonestDerived 这样的类工作。