使用 AppDelegate,我们响应通知:


在我们的主程序中,上述调用分别触发了 saveAudioStaterestoreAudioState。这些获取 AudioPlayer 的状态,然后在我们从中断中恢复时恢复。这适用于电话中断,但不适用于按下主页按钮。

在 Home 按钮的情况下,currentTime 和 currentAudioItem 的值是无效的。

- (void) saveAudioState {
    currentAudioItem = musicPlayer.nowPlayingItem;
    currentTime = musicPlayer.currentPlaybackTime;
    NSLog(@"Playback state %d", musicPlayer.playbackState);
    NSLog(@"Time %f", currentTime);
    NSLog(@"Track %@", currentAudioItem);
    audioWasPlaying = NO;
    if (musicPlayer.playbackState == MPMusicPlaybackStatePlaying) {
        audioWasPlaying = YES;
        [musicPlayer pause];

- (void) restoreAudioState {
    // Restore the now-playing item and its current playback time.
    musicPlayer.nowPlayingItem          = currentAudioItem;
    musicPlayer.currentPlaybackTime     = currentTime;

    // If the music player was playing, get it playing again.
    if (audioWasPlaying && currentAudioItem) {
        [musicPlayer play];

这是 iOS 的一个错误,还是只是事情被破坏的结果?

我已经在 iOS 5.1 和 5.1.1 上进行了测试。


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