
> zeus start
Starting Zeus server
ready   : boot
died    : boot


Zeus 更像是 Spork。它可以让你在后台加载你的应用程序,这样测试之类的东西就可以运行得非常快。https://github.com/burke/zeus

我和我的同事都在努力让它发挥作用。这是您在全新 Mac 上键入的命令列表,以到达我现在所在的位置,但也许我错过了什么?


#The github links below contain guides, this assumes they are followed, with the exception that variables go in .zshrc rather than .zshenv
#Install ZSH | https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh | This means I ditch paths into .zshrc rather than .bash_profile etc
#Install RBENV | https://github.com/sstephenson/rbenv | Colleague using RVM is also having problemos
#Install ruby-build | https://github.com/sstephenson/ruby-build | handy for installing ruby versions
#Continue setting up RBENV and install Bundler | https://gist.github.com/1384279 | Bundler manages the gems, no need for rbenv bundler
# Install patched ruby version using Rbenv and ruby-build | https://gist.github.com/1688857 | "rbenv versions" should show something like:
> rbenv versions
* 1.9.3-p194-perf (set by /Users/joe/.rbenv/version)
# Rehash
rbenv rehash
# Reload .zshrc, as have added parameters to it following the gist guide for installing 194-perf
exec $SHELL
# Zeus expects a few things, rails should install to ~/.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p194-perf/bin i think
gem install rails
# The init file Zeus.json mentions cucmber and rspec, so they need to be install globally in rbenv rather than just locally bundled in your projects
gem install cucumber
gem install rspec
rbenv rehash
zeus init
zeus start
# Later, when I get zeus to work globally, I will:
##git pull project_stuff to ~/my_project
cd my_project
rbenv local 1.9.3-p194-perf
bundle install
rbenv rehash
zeus init
zeus start



这个问题是因为我试图在主文件夹而不是 my_project 文件夹中启动 zeus。但是,在那里执行它会产生不同的错误,它会挂起。移至https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12473539/ruby-rails-1-9-4-zeus-server-hangs-after-zeus-start


1 回答 1


rails server首先有效吗?

于 2012-09-18T01:38:15.827 回答