I am using GWT/GXT.
i have used GWT's grid and each row is highighted in background color using CSS. but applied css is not printed in printed page. how can i print with css?
I am calling Print functionality as below:
Print.it("<link rel='StyleSheet' type='text/css' media='paper' href='mainApplication.css'>", DOM.getElementById("myId"));
in mainApplication.css i placed style as below:
@media print {
print_background {
background-color: #EBECE4 !important;
is my CSS style correct? Please help me.
in the code :
i created a horizontal panel and added GWT grid to it as below.
HorizontalPanel recordsPanel = new HorizontalPanel();
//GWT grid is created and the same is added to recordsPanel
recordsPanel .add(grid).
i applied css style for grid rows as below:
recordsGrid.getRowFormatter().addStyleName(i, "print_results_background");
Now i want to print the records with css style.